Study plan Architektura a stavitelství
Study programme: Architecture and Building Engineering | Study type: Bachelor full-time |
Code | Course group name | credits | |
Compulsory courses | |||
BA20150100 | Architektura a stavitelství, 1. semestr | In this group you have to gain at least 28 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 6 courses
28 |
BA20150200 | Architektura a stavitelství, 2. semestr | In this group you have to gain at least 27 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 6 courses
27 |
BA20150300 | Architektura a stavitelství, 3. semestr | In this group you have to gain at least 28 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 6 courses
28 |
BA20150400 | Architektura a stavitelství, 4. semestr | In this group you have to gain at least 30 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 6 courses
30 |
BA20160500 | obor Architektura a stavitelství, 5. semestr⌘ | In this group you have to gain at least 24 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 6 courses
24 |
BA20160600 | obor Architektura a stavitelství, 6. semestr⌘ | In this group you have to gain at least 21 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 5 courses
21 |
BA20150700 | Architektura a stavitelství, 7. semestr | In this group you have to gain at least 30 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 8 courses
30 |
Minimal number of credits | 188 | ||
Compulsory elective courses | |||
BA20180800_2 | Architektura a stavitelství, povinně volitelné předměty, 8. semestr | In this group you have to gain at least 6 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 3 courses
6 |
Minimal number of credits | 6 | ||
Povinná tělesná výchova, sportovní kurzy | |||
BTV_POV | Povinná tělesná výchova |
In this group you have to complete at least 2 courses
0 |
Minimal number of credits | 0 | ||
Elective courses | |||
BA20150300_V | volitelné předměty pro program Architektura a stavitelství | 0 | |
Minimal number of credits | 0 | ||
Compulsory elective courses | |||
BA20150100_1 | Architektura a stavitelství, povinně volitelný předmět, 1. semestr | In this group you have to gain at least 2 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 1 course
2 |
BA20150200_1 | Architektura a stavitelství, počítačová grafika, 2. semestr | In this group you have to gain 1 credit
In this group you have to complete at least 1 course
1 |
Minimal number of credits | 3 | ||
Jazyky | |||
BA20150200_J | povinně volitelný jazyk - 2. semestr | In this group you have to gain at least 2 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 1 course
2 |
BF20150300_J | povinně volitelný jazyk - 3. semestr | In this group you have to gain at least 2 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 1 course
2 |
Minimal number of credits | 4 | ||
Alternativní předměty | |||
BA20160500_1 | volba atelieru, 5. semestr | In this group you have to gain at least 6 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 1 course
6 |
BA20160600_1 | volba atelieru, 6. semestr | In this group you have to gain at least 9 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 1 course
9 |
Minimal number of credits | 15 | ||
Povinně volitelné předměty, doporučení S1 | |||
BA20180800_1 | Architektura a stavitelství, bakalářská práce | In this group you have to gain at least 24 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 1 course
24 |
Minimal number of credits | 24 | ||
Total number of required credits | 240 | ||
Number of elective courses credits you have to gain | 0 | ||
Total number of credits | 240 |
tento studijní plán platí od nástupu 2015 do nástupu 2018 včetně