
Recommended study pathway Cybernetics and Robotics - Passage through study

Study plan: Cybernetics and Robotics 2016

1st semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
B3B04PSA Academic Writing
KZ 2 2C Z compulsory course in the program
B3B33ALP Algorithms and Programming
Z,ZK 6 2P+2C Z compulsory course in the program
BEZB Safety in Electrical Engineering for a Bachelor´s Degree
Z 0 2BP+2BC Z,L compulsory course in the program
B0B01LAG Linear Algebra
Z,ZK 8 4P+2S Z compulsory course in the program
B0B01LGR Logic and Graphs
Z,ZK 5 3P+2S Z,L compulsory course in the program
B0B01MA1 Mathematical Analysis 1
Z,ZK 7 4P+2S Z,L compulsory course in the program
B3B35RO Robots
KZ 2 1P+2L Z compulsory course in the program
BEZZ Basic Health and Occupational Safety Regulations
Z 0 2BP+2BC Z compulsory course in the program

2nd semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
B0B35APO Computer Architectures
Z,ZK 5 2P+2L L compulsory course in the program
B0B01DRN Differencial Equations and Numerical Analysis
Z,ZK 4 2P+2C L compulsory course in the program
B3B02FY1 Physics 1
Z,ZK 6 4P+1L+2C L compulsory course in the program
B0B01MA2 Mathematical Analysis 2
Z,ZK 7 4P+2S L,Z compulsory course in the program
B3B36PRG Programming in C
Z,ZK 6 2P+2C L compulsory course in the program
2015_BKYRVOL Elective subjects 0 elective course

3rd semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
B3B31EPO Electronic Devices and Circuits
Z,ZK 6 4P+2L Z compulsory course in the program
B3B02FY2 Physics 2
Z,ZK 6 3P+1L+2C Z compulsory course in the program
B3B01KAT Complex Analysis and Transformations
Z,ZK 7 4P+2S Z compulsory course in the program
B0B35LSP Logic systems and processors
Z,ZK 6 2P+2L L compulsory course in the program
B3B31SAS Signals and Systems
Z,ZK 5 2P+2C Z compulsory course in the program

4th semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
B3B35ARI Automatic Control
Z,ZK 7 4P+2L L compulsory course in the program
B3B33KUI Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence
Z,ZK 6 2P+2C L compulsory course in the program
B0B01PST Probability and Statistics
Z,ZK 7 4P+2S Z compulsory course in the program
B3B38SME Sensors and Measurements
Z,ZK 6 3P+2L L compulsory course in the program
2015_BKYRLAB Compulsory subjects of the programme 4 compulsory elective course

5th semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
B3B38KDS Communication and Distributed Systems
Z,ZK 6 4P+2L Z compulsory course in the program
B0B33OPT Optimization
Z,ZK 7 4P+2C Z,L compulsory course in the program
B3BPROJ4 Bachelor Project
Z 4 4s Z compulsory course in the program
B3B33ROB Robotics
Z,ZK 5 2P+2L Z compulsory course in the program
2015_BKYRPV Compulsory subjects of the programme 16 compulsory elective course

6th semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
BBAP16 Bachelor Thesis
Z 16 15s L,Z compulsory course in the program
B3B04PRE Presentation Skills
KZ 2 2C L compulsory course in the program
2015_BKYRPV Compulsory subjects of the programme 16 compulsory elective course
2015_BKYRVOL Elective subjects 0 elective course
Data valid to 2025-03-07
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/pruchod701244283805.html