
Psychology and Communication

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
F7PBOPSO KZ 2 1P+1S Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

During the lectures, students will be acquainted with the problems of psychology of patients, with mental states in diagnostic - therapeutic activities, in providing psychological assistance to patients during treatment and in coping with chronic states of the disease. Students are provided with theoretical knowledge of basic psychological procedures in communication with patients with various types and degrees of damage to health, instructions on how to manage difficult situations in care

about the individual needs of the sick, disabled and dying, and also emphasizes the importance of caring for the mental state of health professionals.


Classified credit requirements:

1. The credit will take the form of a written test, the questions will be in full accordance with the topics discussed.

2. Active participation in seminars - the student is obliged to actively participate in solving model situations,

3. Elaboration and successful presentation of a seminar paper on a given topic, in the form of a post-rpoint presentation,

4. One absence is allowed, and a larger absence can only be excused from serious and documented ones


Syllabus of lectures:

1. Introduction to medical psychology. Psychological problems of the patient - his concept of health and approach to the manifestations of the disease and the associated treatment process, including the autoplastic picture of the disease.

2. Illness as a complex life situation. Changes in experience and behavior during the course of the disease.

3-4. Psychological problems of patients in connection with individual types of diseases, the possibility of psychological-therapeutic influencing of the manifestations of the disease (pain, fear, anxiety, etc.), including their specifics with regard to the current state and age of the patient.

5. Psychological care for psychosomatic patients.

6. Specifics of the approach to the child in the provision of health care and during hospitalization.

7. Principles of psychological approach in specific situations (eg approach to victims of domestic violence, abuse, neglect, etc.).

8-9. Specifics of the approach to the aggressive patient and the possibility of influencing various forms of aggressive behavior.

10-11. Principles of communicating adverse information to patients and their families. The issue of taking infaust health forecasts. The issue of death and dying with regard to the patient's age. Approach to the family and loved ones of the dying.

12-13. Stress. Mental crisis. First psychic help. Coping with mental stress in the work of a healthcare professional.

14. Helper syndrome. Burnout syndrome in healthcare professionals. Syndrome prevention options burned out

Syllabus of tutorials:

1-2. Communication skills - practicing behavior when communicating with a client - child, adult, senior,

communication styles, active listening, communication rules with disabled people.

3. Practical training of approach to patients in order to influence their attitudes to health, disease and provided health care during illness.

4. Overcoming difficult situations and serious life events by psychological defense mechanisms.

5. Practical training in the approach to patients suffering from psychosomatic illness, panic attack,

neurosis, phobias and other selected mental disorders that lead to acute exacerbation

health status.

6-7. Psychological care for hospitalized patients. Practical training of psychological approach to patients

before complex diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, including the possibility of influencing their attitudes.

8. Specifics of preparation of a child patient for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

9. Practical training of access to an individual who has been a victim of domestic violence, abuse, etc. Specifics of access to children victims.

10. Practical training in coping with aggressive manifestations by patients. Possibilities of voltage deescalation.

11. Practical training in the approach to patients suffering from an incurable disease. Psychosocial support for relatives

at the death of the patient.

12-13. Practical training of psychotherapeutic procedures leading to a reduction in the effect of stress as a negative factor influencing the development of burnout syndrome.

14. Defending students' power point presentations on selected topics

Study Objective:

Gain basic knowledge in the subject to the extent necessary for the exercise of the profession.

Study materials:

[1] ZACHAROVÁ, E., HERMANOVÁ, M., Šrámková, J. Zdravotnická psychologie - teorie a praktická cvičení. Praha: Grada, 2007, 232 s. ISBN: 978-80-247-2068-5.

[2] VYMĚTAL, J. Lékařská psychologie. Praha: Portál, 2003, 397 s. ISBN: 80-7178-740-X.

[3] EVANGELU, J. E. Krizová komunikace, efektivní zvládání krizových a zátěžových situací. Moravská Ostrava: Key Publishing s.r.o, 2013, 96 s. ISBN: 978-80-7418-175.

[4] LÁTALOVÁ, K. Agresivita v psychiatrii. Praha: Grada, 2013, 240 s. ISBN: 978-80-247-4454-4.

[5] STOCK, Ch. Syndrom vyhoření. Praha: Grada, 2010, 112 s. ISBN: 978-80-247-3553-5.

[6] MIKULÁŠTÍK, M. Komunikační dovednosti v praxi. 2., dopl. a přeprac. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2010. Manažer. ISBN 978-80-247-2339-6.

[7] POKORNÁ, A. Komunikace se seniory. Praha: Grada, 2010. Sestra (Grada). ISBN 978-80-247-3271-8.

[8] PLEVOVÁ, I., SLOWIK, R. Komunikace s dětským pacientem. Praha: Grada, 2010. Sestra (Grada). ISBN 9788024729688.

[9] BURDA, P. Krizová komunikace s agresivním a hostilním pacientem. Brno: Národní centrum ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů, 2014. ISBN 978-80-7013-564-8.

Time-table for winter semester 2025/2026:
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Time-table for summer semester 2025/2026:
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Data valid to 2025-03-15
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet6468406.html