
Communicable Diseases, Basic Microbiology, Hygiene, Epidemiology and Immunology

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
F7PBZPCH Z,ZK 2 1P+1C Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Natural Sciences

The student is closely acquainted with methods of microbiology and immunology of infectious diseases as well as with methods of work of the field used in epidemiology of communicable diseases as well as in epidemiology of the environment and in addressing a number of public health priorities.


The credit will be granted on the basis of a credit test and attendance for practical exercises. The excused absence for laboratory exercises must be replaced by an alternate date, possibly by the preparation of a seminar on a given topic. The date and content of the exercise are given in the subject schedule.

Exam progress: knowledge test, a minimum 60% pass rate is required for passing, followed by oral tests

Syllabus of lectures:

Lecture topics:

Week 1-2 Intro to the subject. Fields: microbiology, immunology and epidemiology and their areas of interest. Infectious disease agents. bacterium Normal microbial flora of the human body. Antimicrobial agents. Fungal infections.

Week 3-4 Selected viral and bacterial infections. spirochaete Gram positive and gram negative coca. Gram positive and gram negative sticks. Aerobic and anaerobic rods. Acidor-resistant rods (mycobacteria).

Week 5-6 Parasitology.

Week 7-8 Cells and molecules of the immune system. Immunity specific and non-specific. Function and Importance of the Immune System.

Week 9-10 Anti-Infectious Immunology. Immunization.

Week 11-12 Special Epidemiology of Selected Infectious Diseases.

Week 13-14 Epidemic and anti-epidemic measures.

Syllabus of tutorials:

Exercise topics:

Week 1.- 2. Methods of sterilisation.

Week 3.- 4. Bacteria culture methods, bacteria system and classification. Microscopic evidence of bacteria. Observation of slides of different types of prokaryotic cells

Week 5.- .6 Identification, G coloring.

Week 7. - 8. Immunisation

Week 9.-10. Selected viral and bacterial infections.

Week 11.-12. Methods of Epidemiology, Epidemiological Studies.

Week 13.-14. Health-care-associated infections.

Study Objective:
Study materials:

Compulsory literature:

. ŠULCOVÁ, Margaréta. Mikrobiologie, epidemiologie, hygiena: učební texty pro zdravotnické obory. Vydání třetí přepracované. Ústí nad Labem: Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, Fakulta zdravotnických studií, 2018, 149 s. ISBN 978-80-7561-116-1.

. HAMPLOVÁ Lidmila a kol. Mikrobiologie, imunologie, epidemiologie, hygiena pro bakalářské studium a všechny typy zdravotnických škol. Praha: Triton 2015, 264 s. ISBN 978-80-7387-934-1.

. PODSTATOVÁ, Hana. Hygiena a epidemiologie pro ambulantní praxi. Praha: Jesenius, 2010, 141 s. ISBN 978-807-3452-124.

. ŠRÁMOVÁ, Helena. Nozokomiální nákazy. Praha: Maxdorf, 2013, 400 s. ISBN 978-80-7345-286-5.

. MELICHARČÍKOVÁ, Věra. Sterilizace a desinfekce. Praha: Galén, 2015, 174 s. ISBN 978-80-7492-139-1.

. GÖPFERTOVÁ, Dana a Petr PAZDIORA. 100 infekcí: epidemiologie pro praxi. Praha: Triton, 2015, 288 s. ISBN 978-80-7387-846-7.

. SCHINDLER, Jiří. Mikrobiologie pro studenty zdravotnických oborů. 2., doplněné a přepracované vydání. Praha: Grada, 2014, 248 s. ISBN 978-80-247-4771-2.

Recommended literature:

Simultaneously applicable legislation relating to:

. prevention and spread of infectious diseases;

. vaccination against infectious diseases;

. Protection of public health.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet6196306.html