
Power Engineering

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
F7PBBSEL Z,ZK 5 2P+3L Czech
The course F7PBBSEL can be graded only after the course F7PBBEO has been successfully completed.
The course F7PBBSEL can be graded only after the course F7PBBEM has been successfully completed.
Course guarantor:
Department of Biomedical Technology

Basics of power electronics, power supplies, including electrochemical sources, rectifiers, stabilizers, the most commonly used types of motors, basics of power distribution, types of electrical systems and connecting appliances with a focus on medical use. Emphasis is placed primarily on the physical nature of the problem and its understanding. knowledge will be verified on practical examples and in the laboratory.


Knowledge of electrical engineering and electrical circuits. Due to individual measurements, it is necessary to know the procedures from the subject of electrical measurements.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Introduction to the subject (content and conditions of credit and exam), characteristics of high-current electronics, basic schematic marks for drawing diagrams, power electronics - division of converters, description of function including basic characteristics, examples and practice in healthcare, power supplies - division, block diagrams , characteristics.

2. Single and three-phase systems, dimensioning of conductors. Electrical devices - fuse devices and circuit breakers - principles and parameters, their connection (selectivity, contemporaneity).

3. Transformers - principle, equivalent circuit model, phasor diagrams, operating states, parameters, clock angle, transformer - single-phase, three-phase and autotransformer, isolating, isolating, use, requirements and applications in healthcare, requirements of the set of standards ČSN 60601-1.

4. Rectifiers and stabilizers (regulators) - single- and three-phase, single- and multi-pulse, applications in healthcare.

5. Production and distribution of electricity (briefly, only an overview in the Czech Republic), types of distribution systems (TN, ie TN-C, TN-S, TN-C-S, TT, IT). Protection against electric shock - basic protection and fault protection.

6. Implementation of electrical wiring in medical facilities - specifics, important circuits, power supply of ICU, power supply of operating theaters, other premises, MEDICS system - management and control system.

7. Spare power supplies - implementation of distribution for medical purposes, power supply of hospital facilities, backup of electricity in case of primary power failure, division of backup according to the importance of medical distribution, motor generators, backup sources.

8. DC machines - properties,distribution,principle, stepper motors - examples of use in healthcare.

9. Alternating machines - single-phase and three-phase motors - examples of use in healthcare.

10. Revision devices in healthcare -  principles of construction, methods of measuring parameters, relation to ČSN. Technical standards in general and in healthcare, overview of ČSN for the field of heavy current electrical engineering (ČSN EN 60601-1-1, ČSN 33 2000-7-710, ČSN EN 62353, ČSN 33 2140), news from the field of ČSN, summary of lectured topics, commentary on exam circuits, possible questions at SZZ, the most common problems of students at the exam.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Introduction to laboratories, health and safety, overview of tasks, organizational instructions, schedule of tasks.

2. 3-phase system.

3. Safety in electrical engineering, circuit breaker, circuit breaker.

4. Danger of electric shock - protection of inanimate parts (Inno task).

5. Distribution of electricity in rooms for medical purposes.

6. Medical isolated system.

7. Dimensioning of conductors - practical examples, written test of tasks in the first half of the semester.

8. Periodic safety inspection (PBTK) of medical devices, theoretical introduction.

9. PBTK of a medical device, practical measurement I (irevision device Meditest 50 and MD Test).

10. PBTK of a medical device, practical measurement II (revision device Rigel 288).

11. PBTK of medical device, practical measurement III (revision device Revex 2051, RM2050).

12. PBTK of a medical device, practical measurement IV (revision device Secutest SIII, Unimet 800ST), test 2. PBTK of a medical device.

13. Measurements on transformers.

14. DC and AC machines and motors.

15. Credit and additional measurement of the remaining tasks.

Study Objective:

The aim of the course in power engineering at the FBE is to teach the basics of the electrical power industry with a view to use for medical purposes. This course aims to connect the knowledge gained from electrical engineering subjects within the bachelor's study.

Study materials:

Compulsory literature

[1] Power electronic systems: theory and design, Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, c 2001. xii, 562 p. ISBN:


[2] KŮLA, Vladimír a Michal KŘÍŽ. Introduction to electrical engineering. 2. vyd. V Praze: České vysoké učení

technické, 2011. ISBN 978-80-01-04812-2.

Recommended literature

[1] IEC 62353 International standard - Medical electrical equipment - Recurrent test and test after repair of medical

electrical equipment: Norme internationale - Appareils électromédicaux - Essai récurrent et essai aprés réparation d'un

appareil électromédical. Geneva: International electrotechnical commision, 2014.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-13
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet6182106.html