
Semestral Project I.

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
F7PBBSPR1 KZ 1 1C Czech
In order to register for the course F7PBBSPR1, the student must have successfully completed the course F7PBBMVP in a previous semester.
Course guarantor:
Department of Biomedical Technology

The topic of the semester project (SPR1) must be in the field of biomedical engineering and must be related to the study field of the same name Biomedical Technician. The topics are available for the relevant academic year in the database projects.fbmi.cvut.cz

Note: It is not possible to implement economic-managerial topics, topics based mainly on the creation of research, clean programming, topics purely in the field of biology, etc. The application must always be part of the work in accordance with the focus of the field. The topic must always be related to technology (medical devices, or the scope of work of a Biomedical Technician in clinical practice)!

Entries that do not fall into the above areas will not be approved.


The topic of the semester project (SPR1) must be in the field of biomedical engineering and must be related to the study program. The topics are available for the relevant academic year in the database projects.fbmi.cvut.cz

Note: It is not possible to implement economic-managerial topics, topics based mainly on the creation of research, clean programming, topics purely in the field of biology, etc. The application must always be part of the work in accordance with the focus of the field. The topic must always be related to technology (medical devices, or the scope of work of a Biomedical Technician in clinical practice)!

Entries that do not fall into the above areas will not be approved.

Requirements for granting a graded credit:

Mandatory participation in all seminars, apologies are possible only for serious reasons.

A total of 2 presentations (Presentation No. 1: Identified goals of the work, the current state of the project solution; Presentation No. 2: Final presentation of the Semester project)

Submitted text - overview of the current state of the solved project (topic)

Submitted text of the semester project according to the methodology for BP: submission of the printed version (to the secretariat of the department) and electronic version to the PROJECTS system.

The evaluation of a graded credit consists of the following parts:

- 50% opinion of the manager

- 50% final report (assessed by the head of the course or the guarantor or his deputy)

The entry of the evaluation (graded credit) in the KOS system is entered by the guarantor of the subject F7PBBSPR1, or a representative appointed by him, on the basis of the above-mentioned evaluation methodology

Syllabus of lectures:
Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Úvodní seminář, výběr tématu projektu

2.Identifikace cílů projektu, literární rešerše problematiky

3.Informační zdroje a práce s nimi

4.SW nástroje pro podporu výzkumné a vývojové činnosti

5.Studentské prezentace: Identifikované cíle práce, aktuální stav řešení projektu

6.Obsahové náležitosti odborných textů, rozbor šablony pro semestrální projekt

7.Studentské prezentace: Závěrečná prezentace Semestrálního projektu

Study Objective:

The aim of the course is to methodically start the involvement of students in scientific research or development activities in the field of Biomedical Technicians and to start continuous activities on the topic of the project, which will lead to the final bachelor's thesis (BP).

At the same time, the aim of the course is to acquaint students with the general requirements for project development, respectively. requirements for the elaboration of the final thesis, including the ability to defend the proposed solution and the achieved results. Within the seminars, communication, resp. presentation skills, typographic rules are demonstrated and applied, etc.

Students work on the chosen topic under the supervision of the semester project leader and present and discuss the results in a seminar with an independent person (teacher of F7ABBSPR1).

Study materials:

[1] ISO 5966 Information and documentation - Guidelines for the presentation of technical reports

[2] ISO 7144 Documentation - Presentation of theses and similar documents

[3] ISO 2384 Documentation - Presentation of translations

[4] ISO 2145 Documentation - Numbering of divisions and subdivisions in written documents

[5] ISO 999 Information and documentation - Guidelines for the content, organization and presentation of indexes

[6] ISO 690 Information and documentation - Bibliographic references - Content, form and structure (http://www.collectionscanada.ca/iso/tc46sc9/standard/690-1e.htm)

[7] ISO 690-2 Information and documentation - Bibliographic references -

Part 2: Electronic documents or parts thereof (http://www.collectionscanada.ca/iso/tc46sc9/standard/690-2e.htm#3)

[8] English for doctors : authentic consulting, room activities for doctors, dentists, students and nurses with accompanying recorded material / Mária Györffy. - [Praha?] : Triton, 2001. - 226 s. : il. - ISBN 80-7254-203-6.

[9] Electronic information sources http://knihovny.cvut.cz - Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation - John G. Webster (authorized access via http://knihovny.cvut.cz)

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet6181706.html