
Modeling and Simulation

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
BEAM33MOS Z,ZK 6 2P+2C English
It is not possible to register for the course BEAM33MOS if the student is concurrently registered for or has already completed the course BAM33MOS (mutually exclusive courses).
It is not possible to register for the course BEAM33MOS if the student is concurrently registered for or has already completed the course A6M33MOS (mutually exclusive courses).
In order to register for the course BEAM33MOS, the student must have registered for the required number of courses in the group BEZBM no later than in the same semester.
It is not possible to register for the course BEAM33MOS if the student is concurrently registered for or has previously completed the course BAM33MOS (mutually exclusive courses).
Course guarantor:
Department of Cybernetics

The modelling techniques being frequently used in biomedical engineering and corresponding software tools: Matlab-Simulink, Modelica. Techniques of modelling and processes associated with them. Types of models, continuous and discrete time models, linear and nonlinear models with lumped parameters, models and their implementation in program environment. Formalization and model creation for a selected system, its identification, verification and interpretation. Equilibrium states (homeostasis) and their inquiry by simulation. Models of open and feedback systems. Use of fuzzy-neuronal models in biomedicine. Models of separate systems and whole constellations being defined in biomedical engineering. Models of cellular and physiological control, population models. Application of models for artificial organs production.


No prerequisities.

Syllabus of lectures:

1.Mathematical modelling in BMI - examples of composition of physiological systems models.

2.Static analysis of physiological systems and processes. Examples: cardiac output control, glycemy control, acidobasic equilibrium control, chemical control of ventilation.

3.Time-domain analysis of linear regulation processes in physiological systems. Linearized model of breathing mechanics, dynamics of the neuromuscular reflex arc.

4.Frequency-domain analysis of linear regulation processes in physiological systems. Frequency response of circulation control and glycemy control models.

5.Methods of physiological control systems identification, experiments with Starling heart-lungs preparate. Kaov's experiments with crossed circulation, controlled perfusion of brain for central and peripheral chemoreceptors separation, galvanic clamp, pupilar reflex loop opening, rebreathing techniques. Minimal model of glucose control, identification of parameters of breathing regulation.

6.Physiological processes stability testing: analysis of pupilar reflex stability, Cheyne-Stokes breathing model, homeostasis.

7.Optimization problems in biological systems: normal breathing pattern control, aortal pulse wave control, adaptive control of physiological variables- adaptive attenuation of arterial PCO2 fluctuations.

8.Methods of nonlinear analysis of physiological regulation systems - heart arrhythmia modelling, periodic breathing with apnoea. Neuron dynamics models: Hodgkin-Huxley model, Bonhoeffer-van der Pol model.

9.Description of complex dynamics in physiological control systems - spontaneous variability, logistics equation, neutrophile density control, cardiovascular variability model, circadian rhythms model. Sleep apnoea model.

10.Fuzzy modelling use and definition given incomplete information on physiological processes.

11.Modelling of physiological systems and processes by neural networks.

12.A review of models on the cell, organ and system levels. Discussion of its usability.

13.The structure and expandability of an interactive catalogue of biomedical models.


Syllabus of tutorials:

An addition to regular demonstration of models during seminars each student will be given an individual exercise based on measurements on a biological object, processing of collected data, model design, identification, verification, and interpretation. Real-time mode of models might be required. Progress will be checked three times during the term. A necessary documentation should be submitted and the model should be presented to the fellow students. Exam grade will depend on activity points collected during the term as well as on the results of oral and written exams.

Study Objective:

The goul of the course is to teach studentes modelling techniques being frequently used in biomedical engineering.

Study materials:

[1] Jang, J.S.R., Sun, C.T., Mizutani E.: Neuro-fuzzy and Soft Computing, 1997. Prentice Hall.

[2] Biomedical Engineering - Handbook,1995, CRC Press, Inc.

[3] Biomedical Modeling and Simulation on PC, Springer - Verlag, New York, 1993.

[4] Murray, J.D.:Mathematical Biology I,II, Spatial Models and Biomedical Applicatios, Springer, 2002, 2003.

[5] Michael C. K. Kho: Physiological Control Systems. Analysis, Simulation and Estimation. IEE Press, New York, 2000, ISBN 0-7803-3408-6.

[6] Hugh R. Wilson: Spikes, Decisions and Actions. Dynamical foundation of neuroscience. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999, ISBN 0-19-852430-7.

[7] Frank C. Hoppensteadt, Charles S. Peskin: Modeling and Simulation in Medicine and the Life Sciences. Springer 2000,ISBN 0-387-95072-9.

[8] Robert D. Strum, Donald E. Kirk: Contemporary Linear Systems using Matlab. PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1999, ISBN: 0-534-94710-7.

[9] Keener,J Sneyd,J: Mathematical Physiology. Springer, New York, Berlin, 1998, ISBN 0-387-98381-3.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet5501306.html