
Chemistry of Intelligent Nanostructures - Nanochemistry

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17ADBCHN ZK 5 2P English
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

During the past two decades ?small-particle? research has become quite popular in various fields of physics and chemistry. By ?small particles? are meant clusters of atoms or molecules of metals, semiconductors and others materials, ranging in size from < 1 nm to almost 10 nm or having agglomeration numbers from <10 up to a few hundred, i.e., species representing the neglected dimension between single atoms or molecules and bulk materials.

Nanochemistry This is a multidisciplinary course which is open to students with different background (physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc.). Curse is devoted to advanced research in the chemistry, physical chemistry, and chemical physics in the process to creation nanostructures. Study the processes in 1,2,3- dimensional restricted nanovolumes up to molecular and atomic level.


Teaching is performed in the form of self-study with regular individual consultations. In addition to the examination, a written study is required by the student on a given topics.

Syllabus of lectures:

Embryonic and prenatal stage of nanoparticles

What's colour of electron (e-) at solution?

What's colour of positive hole (h+) in solution?

Atoms, clusters, particles, ??oligomers, semiconductors, bulk material.

1.What is ionization energy? (In neutral atoms or molecules).2.What and where is ionization energy in semiconductors ?

3.Explain relations between bonding energy and ionization energy (e.g. in hydrogen atom)?

4 Explain relations between excitation energy (levels) and ionization energy (e.g. in hydrogen atom)? 5.Hydrogen atom. ( size 1s, size of higher energy levels- classical model)

6.What is exciton ? 7.Photoelectric effect ?

8.Wave length of free electron ? (related to temperature his energy and his velocity)

9.De Broglie equation ? (DeBroglie - duality of particles) 10.Maxwell-Boltzmann equation ?

11.Electron in the potential box. (Simple 1D explanation.) 12.Potential barrier. (Simple 1D explanation.)

13.Mass of electron ( reduced mass, simple explanation).

14.Absorption spectroscopy Emission spectroscopy Infrared spectroscopy ( energy and wavelength, , explanation ).

15.Wave length of light and energy. ( Calculate 1eV to ?? nm )

16. Ramman spectroscopy (all lows connected with process energy and wavelength, calculate, explanation

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:
Study materials:


[1] Prasad, P.N.: Nanophotonics. Wiley Interscience 2004.

[2] Kubátová, J. a kol.: Sborník přednášek NANOTECHNOLOGIE, ESF, program CZ 04.01.03, 2008.


[3] Fritz Seel: Atombau und chemische Bindung; Eine Einfuhrung in die moderne Teorie der chemischen Bindung auf anschauicher Grundlage.

[4] G.A.Ozin and A.C.Arsenault: NANOCHEMISTRY. The Royal Society of Chemistry 2005 ISBN 0-85404-664-X.

[5] B.Bhushan: SRINGER HANDBOOK OF NANOTECHNOLOGY. Springer-Verlag,Berlin,ISBN 3-540-01218-4.

[6] A.Beiser, Úvod do moderní fyziky, (Academia Praha 1975).

[7] C. P. Poole, Jr., F. J. Owens, Introduction to nanotechnology (Wiley Interscience, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 2003).

[8] Anton Fojtík a kolektív.: NANO fascinující fenomén současnosti. COMTES FHT a.s. 33441 Dobřany, listopad 2014

ISBN 978-80-260-7135-8.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet5471306.html