
History of Architecture 2

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
129DA02 ZK 3 2P Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Architecture

The course DA2 is the second series of lectures on history of architecture. It is intended to provide the student with a basic historical overview of the architecture of antiquity with overlaps into later eras. It is subsidized for 2 hours a week.

The basis of the lectures is to acquaint the student not only with the history of medieval and early modern architecture, but also with the theoretical works of Renaissance architects.


successful completion exam from DA1


written exam - test on the development of architecture in Middle Ages and early modern era.

attendance is considered at the final exam ( min 8 out of 13 lectures)

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Early Middle Ages: Between Aachen and Constantinople.

2. Birth of Gothic, Gothic Cathedral.

3. The founding work of Přemysl Otakar II.: town, castle, monastery.

4. Luxembourgers: Gothic architecture in the Czech lands.

5. Jagiellonian Gothic, Late Gothic and Renaissance in the German lands.

6. Italian Renaissance architecture I.

7. Italian Renaissance architecture II.

8. Sixteenth-century noble residence in Central Europe.

9. Italian Baroque architecture: From the Council of Trent to the High Baroque.

10. High Baroque in Italy.

11. Baroque architecture in Bohemia, baroque landscape.

12. The court of Louis XIV and its influence: a manor house.

13. Conflict between the Baroque and the Enlightenment. Rococo in France and Central Europe.

Syllabus of tutorials:

no workshop in the class

Study Objective:

A basic overview of the great works of the past. Development of historical awareness of the development of the field and its relevance for our times.

Study materials:

Gardners Art Through the Ages, The Western Perspective, 16th Edition, Volume 2



Smithsonian: http://www.si.edu

Getty: http://www.getty.edu

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston: http://www.mfa.org

!Kol. aut., Románské umění, nakladatelství Slovart, Praha 2006.!

!Kol. aut., Gotika, nakladatelství Slovart, Praha 2000.

!Kol. aut., Italská renesance, nakladatelství Slovart, Praha 2000.

!Kol. aut., Baroko, nakladatelství Slovart, Praha 1999.

!Kol aut., Dějiny českého výtvarného umění I/1 - VI/2, Praha 1984 2007

!Pijoan, J., Dějiny Umění. Praha 1977

?Biegel R., Bachtík J., Macek, P., Barokní architektura v Čechách. Praha 2015

?Blažíček O.J., Sochařství baroka v Čechách, Praha 1958

?Kol. aut., Sláva barokní Čechie I., II., Praha 2001

?Kol. aut., Umění italské renesance, Praha 1996

?Martindale A., Člověk a renesance, Praha 1971

?Mencl V., Česká architektura doby lucemburské, Praha 1948

:Blažíček, O. J. - Kropáček, J., Slovník pojmů z dějin umění. Praha 1991

:Herout, J.: Staletí kolem nás, Praha 1981


a set of lectures on the history of architecture DA1-DA4

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet5373306.html