
Behavior Problems and Learning Disabilities

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
U51C0103 Z 3 8B Czech
Course guarantor:
Institute of Pedagogical and Psychological Studies

The content of the subject are the causes, manifestations and consequences of specific learning and behavioral disorders, sensory impairment, mental retardation, communication disorders, physical disabilities and some chronic diseases.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. History of specific developmental learning disorders and behavior

2. Current state of knowledge

3. Definitions and terminology of specific learning and behavioral disorders

4. Diagnosis of specific learning disorders, clinical-psychological and differential diagnostics

5. Specific learning disabilities in the Czech language

6. Specific Learning Disabilities in Mathematics

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:

Objective of the course: to identify causes, manifestations and consequences of specific learning and behavioral disorders, sensory impairment, mental retardation, communication disorders, physical disabilities and some chronic diseases. Students will get an overview of the basic strategies, possibilities and methods of their diagnostics, therapy and prevention and institutional solution of this issue. They will also receive information on advisory services and methodological practices that apply to social and work integration.

Study materials:

Blažková, R., Matoušková, K. Poruchy učení v matematice a možnosti jejich nápravy. Brno: Paido, 2000. ISBN 80-85931-89-3.

Kirbyová, A. Nešikovné dítě - Dyspraxie a jiné poruchy motoriky. Praha: Portál, 2000. ISBN: 8071784249.

Matějček, Z. Dyslexie - specifické poruchy čtení. Praha: H & H, 1995.

Michalová, Z. Specifické poruchy učení na 2. stupni ZŠ a na středních školách. Praha: Tobiáš, 2004. ISBN 8073110210.

Novák, J. Dyskalkulie - specifické poruchy počítání. Praha: Tobiáš, 2010. ISBN 9788073111076

Pokorná, V. Teorie a náprava vývojových poruch učení a chování. Praha: Portál,2001. ISBN 978-80-7367-817-3.

Serfontein, G. Potíže s učením a chováním. Praha: Portál, 1999. ISBN 80-71783-15-3

Zelinková, O. Poruchy učení. Praha: Portál, 2009. ISBN 978-80-7367-514-1.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet5150006.html