
Physics I

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
2021026 Z,ZK 5 4P+1C+1L Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Physics

Kinematics and dynamics of a particle motion. Principle of conservation of energy. System of particles, centre of mass. Rigid body. Continuum, elastic properties of bodies. Oscillations, waves. Fluid mechanics. Temperature and heat transfer. Kinetic theory of gases. Thermodynamics. Electric field, current, conductivity, resistance. Conductors, semiconductors, insulators. Magnetic field. Magnetic materials. Laboratories - accuracy of measurements, systematic and random errors, uncertainty of direct and indirect measurements, regression, measurement of experiments related to the lectures.


The course is ended by passing the final assesment and an exam. In order to receive the assesment you have to attend all lab practicals. The are two levels of the exam : the writing part of the exam is the same for level „A“ and „B“. After passing this part, student will conduct an oral exam, at the level of their choice, „A“ or „B“. Level „B“ has lower requirements for derivations and maths forms of studied effects.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Physical quantities - vectors and scalars. Kinematics of a particle motion in one dimension.

2. Motion in two or three dimensions, circular motion. Newton's laws of motion. Galileian transformation.

3. Motion equations, applications. Dynamics of a circular motion. Work and energy. Principle of conservation of energy. Momentum, impulse, collisions. Centre of mass. Rigid body. Rotational and translational motions, the torque. Conservation of momentum and angular momentum.

4. Gravitation, Newton's law of universal gravitations. Potential and intensity of a gravitational filed, satellites. Fluid mechanics, surface tension.

5. Continuity equation, Bernoulli's equation. Viscosity. Temperature, heat, calorimetry. Internal energy, first law of thermodynamics.

6. Thermodynamic processes. The Carnot cycle. Equipartition of energy theorem. The second law of thermodynamics, entropy, probability, information.

7. Elasticity, stress, strain, elastic moduli. SHM, the physical pendulum, the simple pendulum, damped oscillations, forced oscillations, resonance.

8. Mechanical waves, types, mathematical description, sound, beats, the Doppler effect.

9. Electric charge, electric filed, intensity. Electric flux, Gauss's law, electric potential.

10. Capacitors, capacitance, energy of electric field, Gauss' law in dielectrics.

11. Electric current, resistivity, resistance, electromotive force.

12. Direct-current circuits, Kirchhoff's rules, power and energy in electric circuits.

13. Magnetic field, the Hall effect, magnetic materials.

14. Mass spectrometer, cyclotron. Sources of magnetic filed, Ampere's law.

Syllabus of tutorials:

Laboratory experiments concern the topics corresponding the lectures. Students are dvided into groups of two and each student must have his/her own report from each measurement.

Study Objective:

1. Physical quantities - vectors and scalars. Kinematics of a particle motion in one dimension. 2. Motion in two or three dimensions, circular motion. Newton's laws of motion. Galileian transformation. 3. Motion equations, applications. Dynamics of a circular motion. Work and energy. Principle of conservation of energy. Momentum, impulse, collisions. Centre of mass. Rigid body. Rotational and translational motions, the torque. Conservation of momentum and angular momentum., 4. Gravitation, Newton's law of universal gravitations. Potential and intensity of a gravitational filed, satellites. Fluid mechanics, surface tension., 5. Continuity equation, Bernoulli's equation. Viscosity. Temperature, heat, calorimetry. Internal energy, first law of thermodynamics., 6. Thermodynamic processes. The Carnot cycle. Equipartition of energy theorem. The second law of thermodynamics, entropy, probability, information., 7. Elasticity, stress, strain, elastic moduli. SHM, the physical pendulum, the simple pendulum, damped oscillations, forced oscillations, resonance., 8. Mechanical waves, types, mathematical description, sound, beats, the Doppler effect., 9. Electric charge, electric filed, intensity. Electric flux, Gauss's law, electric potential., 10. Capacitors, capacitance, energy of electric field, Gauss' law in dielectrics., 11. Electric current, resistivity, resistance, electromotive force., 12. Direct-current circuits, Kirchhoff's rules, power and energy in electric circuits., 13. Magnetic field, the Hall effect, magnetic materials., 14. Mass spectrometer, cyclotron. Sources of magnetic filed, Ampere's law.

Study materials:

Young, H.D., Freedman, R.A.: Sears and Zemansky' University Physics, 10th edition, Addison-Wesley, 2000, Vesela E., Physics I, CTU Publishing House, Prague, 2003, Vesela E., Vacek V. Physics - Laboratory Experiments, CTU Publishinhg House, Prague 1999

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-27
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet5146106.html