
Technical Structures on Small Watercourses

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
143YTUV Z,ZK 6 2P+3C Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Landscape Water Conservation

Small watercourses have often been modified in recent years. The reason for their modification was usually flood protection of the inner city or drainage works. In recent years, the trend towards the modification of watercourses has been reversed, with revitalisation measures and measures to increase water retention in the catchment area and to slow down runoff coming to the fore.


basic knowledge of hydraulics and watercourse treatment,

knowledge of the characteristics of materials for fortification and watercourse treatment

Syllabus of lectures:

During the lectures, students will learn about the issues of construction on small watercourses, especially the issues of modifications

watercourses, revitalization actions and the issue of damming structures on rivers.

1. Principles of watercourse improvements in the urban area.

2. Principles of watercourse modifications in open countryside.

3. Watercourse modifications: route selection, sizing, design stability assessment.

4. Sizing of crossflow structures and other structures on watercourses

5. Materials used in watercourse modifications

6. Surface drainage along streams in open countryside

7. Principles of revitalising small watercourses in the open countryside

8. Principles of revitalisation of small watercourses in the countryside

9. Nature-based flood control measures

10. Vegetation management along watercourses

11. Riparian fencing issues

12. Project documentation and its requirements

13. Legislation related to the improvement and revitalisation of watercourses

Syllabus of tutorials:

As part of the exercise, the student prepares project documentation for a building permit. Part of the end of the exercise is the defence of the project before the committee of practitioners.

Study Objective:

1. knowledge of the principles of technical modifications of small watercourses and understanding of the differences in the implemented revitalization

2. preparation of project documentation for watercourse modifications

3. theoretical knowledge and practical exercises

Study materials:

!Just, T.: Ekologicky orientovaná správa vodních toků v oblasti péče o jejich morfologický stav. AOPK ČR, Praha, 2016. 81 s. ISBN: 978-80-88076-25-4

!Vrána, K., Dostál, T., Gergel, J., Kender, J., Zuna, J.: Revitalizace malých vodních toků součást péče o krajinu. Consult, MŽP, Praha 2004, 60 s. ISBN 80-902132-9-4

!Martin Prominski, Antje Stokman, River. Space. Design., Planning Strategies, Methods and Projects for Urban Rivers,Birkhäuser, Basel 2012 304 s, ISBN 978-3-0346-0687-5

!ČSN 75 2101 Ekologizace úprav vodních toků

?Zlatuška, K. et al: Technická doporučení pro projektování lesní dopravní sítě. MZe ČR s ČZU Praha, Praha 2020. 124 s. ISBN 978-80-7434-556-2

?Just, T. et al.: Vodohospodářské revitalizace a jejich uplatnění v ochraně před povodněmi. ZO ČSOP, MŽP, AOPK ČR, Praha 2005. - 359 s. ISBN 80-239-6351-1

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4935606.html