NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.

Landscape Planning

Display time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
127YKRP Z,ZK 6 3P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Jiří Kupka
Václav Jetel, Tereza Kubištová, Jiří Kupka, Lucie Nováková
Václav Jetel, Tereza Kubištová, Jiří Kupka, Lucie Nováková
Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning

The aim of the course is to introduce students to landscape and landscape planning in different processes and phases of planning. The course will introduce the genesis of our landscape, the ways and forms of human influence on the landscape before and now, in the post-agrarian and post-industrial era, which are necessary for understanding the laws and processes occurring in today's landscape. Students are encouraged to look independently at the landscape, to search for its natural, cultural, historical and civilizational values. They are introduced to the forms and possibilities, mainly legislative, of its protection and to the various ways of landscape planning, including the application of land-use planning tools in the protection and creation of the landscape, with emphasis on respect for the ecological, productive, residential, recreational and aesthetic aspects of the territory. Lectures and exercises will be complemented by work with various information sources, with a focus on their interpretation, as well as specific examples of different types of territories.


Lectures are not compulsory. In order to obtain credit, which is a condition for access to the exam:

prepare and submit a seminar paper consisting of two assignments by the deadline.

to consult continuously in class (at least approval of the assignment, to which there must be a map, 1-2 consultations in progress, submission with all the requirements according to the assignment), the second task does not need to be consulted

at least 70% participation in the exercises (minimum 8 exercises)

2 presentations in class (according to the schedule)

completion of study requirements and award of credit by the end of the course

Syllabus of lectures:

1) Landscape character I - concept and conception according to the law, values and features, legal criteria including cultural landmarks

2) Landscape character II - case study and preventive assessment procedure, methodology, use in practice, examples

3) Landscape Character III - visual attractiveness of landscape (aesthetic value), landscape scene analysis, case studies

4) Cultural Landscape I - Council of Europe Landscape Convention, typology of historical cultural landscape, state conservation (KPZ, conservation plan)

5) Cultural Landscape II - Cultural and historical landscape characteristics, landscape as a palimpsest, analysis of historical landscape structures, most common archival maps and their usefulness in analysis

6) Cultural Landscape III - History of the landscape from the Middle Ages to the Baroque

7) Cultural Landscape IV - 19th century, emergence of public urban green spaces, ornamental societies and care of the home

8) Landscape and landscape character in spatial planning, landscape studies

9) Nature and landscape protection I - basic legislation in nature and landscape protection, state nature and landscape protection system, general nature and landscape protection, planning and design of the UES, importance and planning of forests (in relation to the UAP)

10) Nature and landscape protection II - special nature and landscape protection, history, system and legislation, management plans and principles, Natura 2000, international protection (in relation to the UAP)

11) Collectivisation of agriculture, problems of the agricultural landscape, planning of the agricultural landscape, KoPU, anti-erosion measures

12) City and landscape, natural attributes of urban landscape, importance and function of green spaces, green systems, safety aspects of green spaces, green infrastructure.

13) Garden and park conception and design, current trends in garden and landscape design, examples - the topic is covered in the second exercise.

Syllabus of tutorials:

The exercises include additional explanations and presentations of concrete examples. In addition, students are required to prepare and submit a term paper consisting of two assignments: 1) Analysis of a selected settlement in terms of natural elements 2) Analysis of a landscape area in terms of landscape character. Both assignments are consulted and presented during the exercise.

1) Introduction, assignment

2) - 3) Approval of the assignment

4) - 6) Consultation

7) Presentation of the area (approx. 10/15 minutes)

8) - 9) Consultation

10) Presentation of landscape architecture example (approx. 10/15 minutes)

11) Last consultation

12) Submission of the first and second assignment

Exercise is submitted digitally (not scanned), saved to CTU Moodle

Study Objective:

Students will gain a basic overview of methodological procedures in landscape planning, tools, processes and documents of landscape planning, understand the genesis of contemporary landscape and its problems and will be able to work with basic information sources.

Study materials:

The basic study material for the exam is lectures. The lectures are supplemented by extension written materials stored on Moodle.

VOREL, Ivan - KUPKA, Jiří (2011). Krajinný ráz. Identifikace a hodnocení. Praha: ČVUT, ISBN 978-80-01-04766-8.

Kolektiv autorů (2021). Krajinný ráz. Analytické a plánovací přístupy a metody. Praha: ČVUT. 242 s. ISBN 978-80-01-06838-0.

SALAŠOVÁ, Alena (2015). Nauka o krajině I a II. Brno: Mendelova univerzita, ISBN 978-80-7509-185-7, ISBN 978-80-7509-186-4.

VÁCHAL, Jan - NĚMEC, Jan - HLADÍK, Jiří (eds.) (2011). Pozemkové úpravy v České republice. Praha: Consult, ISBN 80-903482-8-9.

KUPKA, Jiří (2010). Krajiny kulturní a historické. Praha: ČVUT. ISBN 978-80-01-04653-1.

zák. 114/1992 Sb, o ochraně přírody a krajiny, zák. 20/1987 Sb., o státní památkové péči, zák. 289/1995 Sb., Lesní zákon, zák. 139/2002 Sb., o pozemkových úpravách a pozemkových úřadech

Further information:
Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:

(lecture parallel1)
Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)

(lecture parallel1
parallel nr.101)

Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4935006.html