Acoustics and daylighting - selected issues
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language |
124AKDO | Z,ZK | 5 | 2P+2C | Czech |
- Course guarantor:
- Lecturer:
- Tutor:
- Supervisor:
- Department of Architectural Engineering
- Synopsis:
Sunlight and methods of its evaluation in different spaces. Daylighting, its definition and possibilities of its determination. Analysis of computational methods. Influence of boundary conditions on the level and quality of daylight. Calculation of lighting in a room with transparent and translucent materials. Determining the daylight factor when using light guides. Determination of the value of the brightness factor of the shading obstacle and the terrain by calculation. Daylighting of specific spaces. Combined lighting.
Noise limits, sound sources, sound isolation, sound propagation in free and diffuse fields, sound propagation over an obstacle, sound absorption, room acoustics, wave acoustics, geometrical acoustics, statistical acoustics, elastic mounting of machines, urban acoustics (stationary sources, traffic).
- Requirements:
Successful completion of an undergraduate course dealing with building lighting technology and building acoustics.
- Syllabus of lectures:
1) Sun exposure insolation - repetition, meridian convergence, requirements for residential buildings, definition of a living room, insolation of non-residential spaces (schools and kindergartens, medical buildings, etc.), graphical ways of representing the sun's paths, relation to the 1st exercise.
2) Daylighting - the difference between daylighting and insolation or insolation, the effect of lighting on humans, the properties of human vision and the connection with requirements for the level and quality of daylighting, photometry, the definition of cosine emitter and illuminance, the sky as a surface light source.
3) Daylighting requirements, legislation, criteria, definition of the daylighting factor and the possibility of determining it by measurement or calculation, derivation of Eh (lx), relation to the measurement of partial data (E/Eh), boundary conditions for determining D (%), constant vs. graduated sky brightness.
4) Determining the partial components of the daylight factor (Daniljuk's angular grids, modified Waldram diagram, Arndt's relation, BRS nomograms, etc.), demonstration of the procedure when using methods that will (not) be used in the exercise. Daylight access to the facade of the building, criteria and possibilities for its determination.
5) Daylighting in specific spaces (living rooms, administrative buildings, educational buildings, religious buildings, libraries, reading rooms and study rooms, exhibition spaces, shops, workplaces with monitors and screens, industrial buildings, sports buildings, health care buildings, agricultural buildings ).
6) Specifics of overhead lighting, influence of other than clear window filling material (polycarbonates, etc.), light guides. The method of calculating the daylight factor and its components in a space lit in this way.
7) Acoustic immission quantities, acoustic emission quantities, sound isolation quantities, sound propagation in free field, sound propagation in enclosed space,
8) Elastic mounting of machines, free and forced vibrations, over-resonant and under-resonant design, products for elastic mounting
9) Stationary sources in urban acoustics, sound transmission through the building envelope, building as a stationary sound source
10) Wave acoustics, room modes, measures to preserve the diffusivity of the sound field, geometrical acoustics, Fermat's principle, construction of an elliptical cylinder-shaped hall ceiling from planar surfaces, statistical acoustics, reverberation time and its optimisation
11) Distribution of acoustic power, bending of sound waves over an obstacle
12) Roads as a source of sound, method of calculation of traffic noise, measures against traffic noise (urban, technical, organizational)
- Syllabus of tutorials:
1) Determination of insolation using a rectangular and stereographic solar diagram
2) Calculation of insolation using professional software (SVÉTLO+)
3) Determination of Ds and De using a calculation method based on Daniljuk's angular networks
4) Determination of Ds and De using the Waldram diagram
5) Daylight calculation using professional software (SVÉTLO+)
6) Determination of Ds and Di with upper diffusion glazing
7) Review of basic concepts: calculating levels, sound propagation in free and diffuse fields, sound absorption, airborne sound insulation, impact sound
8) Design of elastic machinery mounting
9) Calculation of noise propagation from industrial building to the outdoor
10) Design of enclosed space acoustics (reverberation time and its optimisation according to the requirements of ČSN 73 0525 and ČSN 73 0527) with the support of ODEON Room Acoustics Software
11) Calculation of road traffic noise
- Study Objective:
Extending the knowledge of participants in the part of daylighting (apartments, houses, preschools, etc.) and in the part of daylighting (living room, permanent residence of persons, etc.). Ability to determine and evaluate the level and quality aspects of daylighting. Extension of students' knowledge of building acoustics, particularly in the sub-disciplines of noise and vibration protection, room and urban acoustics.
- Study materials:
? Čechura J.: Stavební fyzika 10 Akustika stavebních konstrukcí, ČVUT, Praha 2002
? Kaňka J.: Stavební fyzika 1 - Akustika budov, ČVUT Praha 2007
! Kaňka, J.: Akustika stavebních objektů, ERA Brno 2009
! Kaňka, J., Nováček, J.: Stavební fyzika 3 - Akustika pozemních staveb, ČVUT Praha 2015
? KAŇKA, Jan. DEO1 - Vybrané stati ze stavební světelné techniky. ČVUT v Praze, 2014
? WEIGLOVÁ, Jiřina., KAŇKA, Jan. Stavební fyzika 10 Denní osvětlení a oslunění budov, ČVUT v Praze, 1999
! VYCHYTIL, Jaroslav. Stavební světelná technika - cvičení. ČVUT v Praze, 156 s. 2015. ISBN 978-80-01-05858-9
! VYCHYTIL, Jaroslav., KAŇKA, Jan. Stavební světelná technika - přednášky. ČVUT v Praze, 176 s. 2016. ISBN 978-80-01-06060-5
! ČSN EN 17037 Denní osvětlení budov, ČAS Praha, srpen 2019.
- Note:
- Further information:
- No time-table has been prepared for this course
- The course is a part of the following study plans: