
Landscape Architecture and Environment

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
127KAZP Z,ZK 5 3P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning

The course is an introduction to some aspects of landscape architecture and environmental ecology and conservation. Teaching is provided by the Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning (K127) and Dep. of Landscape Water Conservation (K143). Each department provides a block of lectures and a part of practicals. The lectures cover the landscape, its character and landscape character, the cultural and historical values of the landscape and their protection, landscape and greenery in the urban environment, the development of landscape and urban greenery from the Middle Ages to the present, including the ideological principles of contemporary landscape design and the principles of garden design, all within the necessary legislative framework. The second thematic block deals with the use of GIS for the assessment of landscape processes, introduces geoportals with landscape data, discusses the development of the cadastre, land management, landscape care, the importance of agriculture, surface water protection in the context of landscape care, rainfall-runoff relationships, floods and droughts. In the exercises, both thematic blocks are deepened by analyses of specific areas.


Lectures are optional. A prerequisite for credit, which is a prerequisite for access to the exam, is the preparation of a seminar paper on the topic of Landscape Space Analysis. 75% attendance at the tutorial, continuous consultations, presentations and timely submission of the thesis to the Moodle system are required. The exam is written and oral, the classification is multi-criteria and includes the quality of the exercise.

Syllabus of lectures:

1) Introduction, global issues, ecology, contemporary society

2) Sustainable development

3) Landscape and landscape character in the tools of land-use planning

4) Landscape and its character, Council of Europe Landscape Convention, landscape identity, landscape types

5) Monitoring landscape development, use of GIS in planning landscape interventions

6) Landscape as a palimpsest, cultural and historical values, protection of cultural landscapes

7) Landscape character, protection of landscape character

8) Tools, models and geodata for spatial planning and nature and landscape protection

9) Methodology of case study and pre-evaluation of landscape character, examples

10) Visual landscape characterization, landscape aesthetics, landscape scene analysis

11) The development of agriculture and its importance for the development of society and the landscape

12) Landscape, gardens and urban greenery in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

13) Landscape, gardens and urban greenery in the Baroque

14) Landscape, gardens and urban greenery in the 19th century, the emergence of public urban greenery

15) Natural functions of the Czech landscape in the context of its development

16) Rainfall-drainage relations, floods, droughts

17) Soil and water conservation in the context of landscape management

18) Greenery and the function of greenery in the urban environment, current trends in garden architecture

Syllabus of tutorials:

The exercise consists of various analyses of the landscape of the selected area (one whole cadastral area) with subsequent summary of the results and definition of the main features and values of the landscape. For the exercise, the students select their own landscape, and it is necessary to choose an interesting diverse landscape of rural character, i.e. neither an urbanised landscape nor a completely natural landscape (e.g. all wooded). The selected area must include one whole cadastral area, possibly with adjacent cadastres (e.g. in case of logical continuity of built-up area, etc.). The analysis of the area implies field surveys and the acquisition of the actual photographic documentation (it is advisable to choose areas that are easily accessible). The analyses are prepared at both departments in several logical parts (outputs) according to a binding outline. GIS tools and mapping portals with a focus on landscape, the Monument Catalogue and spatial planning tools (UAP, zoning plan) are used to create map outputs. Seminar papers are submitted in pdf format (not printed) in the Moodle system of the CTU.

1) introduction of the assignment

2) approval of specific assignments

3) introduction to GIS, historical orthophotomaps

4) map creation, use of online resources

5) editing landscape changes and symbology

6) spatial statistics, elevation data

7) interpretation of legislation

8) - 9) consultation of works

10) - 11) presentation of specific sites and their values by students

12) handing in, credits

Study Objective:

The course is an introduction to some aspects of landscape architecture and environmental ecology and conservation. The aim is to introduce students to aspects of landscape architecture, design and environmental protection relevant to the work of architects (landscape planning, spatial planning, interventions in the open landscape, land use limits based on landscape and environmental constraints, etc.).

The aim of the exercise is to understand the formation of the landscape and the importance of its values in the creation of its specific character (landscape character) and its distinctive and unmistakable form and meaning, identity. For the basic analysis of input data, for the identification and localization of the problematic area and for the subsequent design of effective protection, it is necessary, among other things, to learn how to effectively use and exploit modern GIS systems. The acquired skills and knowledge of GIS systems can subsequently be used in a wide range of areas, including spatial planning and landscape planning.

Study materials:

KUPKA, Jiří, Krajiny kulturní a historické. Praha: ČVUT, 2010.

VOREL, Ivan Kupka, Jiří, Krajinný́ ráz. Identifikace a hodnocení. Praha: ČVUT, 2011.

SKLENIČKA, Petr, Základy krajinného plánování. Praha: Naděžda Skleničková, 2003.

LÖW, Jiří - Míchal, Igor, Krajinný́ ráz. Kostelec n. Č. l.: Lesnická práce 2003.

MĚKOTOVÁ, Jarmila, Principy v obecné a aplikované ekologii. Olomouc: UP, 2007.

Basic study materials are available in the CTU Moodle.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-13
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4845306.html