
Architectural typology 3

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
129NB03 Z 3 1P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Architecture

The lectures are divided into 3 topics - sustainable architecture, buildings for industry and buildings for agriculture and the village.

The first part is dedicated to buildings from the point of view of energy efficiency and sustainability, the second part is focused on topics related to agriculture and the specifics of the village, the last part focuses on the typology of industrial buildings, presented in a historical context (pre-industrial and industrial buildings) and with regard to their basic nature of production (single-purpose, multi-purpose and combined buildings). The lectures also cover the topic of industrial heritage, its identification, evaluation and methods of protection.


3 conditions are necessary for successful completion of the course:

1. Processing and presentation of the seminar work assigned in the exercise

2. Elaboration of the theme of agriculture and the village, given in the second part of the lecture series

3. Successful completion of the test in industrial constructions

After meeting all three conditions, the student receives a credit.

Syllabus of lectures:

first block: Sustainability in construction (energy intensity, material solutions, environmental effects,...)

second block: Agricultural buildings and villages

third block: Industrial buildings and industrial heritage

Conclusion, test from industrial buildings

Syllabus of tutorials:

In the first exercise, the topics for the seminar papers are assigned. The topics are focused on a detailed analysis of contemporary buildings, from the point of view of general typology, operation, spatial architectural solution, structural solution and consideration of the issue of permanent sustainability. In individual exercises, selected works are presented and a discussion is conducted over them, led by the leader of the exercise. At the end of the semester, students hand in the work in the format set by the supervisor. Both electronic and paper forms of submission are allowed, the leader of the exercise decides.

Study Objective:

The goal is to deepen the knowledge necessary for further study and for design practice. The subject has no direct links to other subjects, but mastering it is needed above all for school projects, not only from an architectural point of view, but also from a structural and economic point of view. It emphasizes contemporary trends in the development of design practice.

Study materials:

Sýkora, J., Venkovský prostor II. - Územní plánování vesnice a krajiny (skriptum ČVUT), 2002

Beran, L., Valchářová,Vl., Pražský industriál, VCPD, Praha 2006

Beran, L., Valchářová,Vl., Industriál libereckého kraje, VCPD, Praha 2008

Dvořáková,E., Fragner.B., Šenberger.T., Industriál_paměť_východiska, Titanic/Grada, 2007

Hlaváček E., Architektura pohybu a proměn. Praha 1985. Vydal Odeon, 09/13.01-519-85

Šenberger T., Rekonstrukce výrobně-technických staveb k novým účelům, Praha 1995 (Rozpravy Národního technického muzea v Praze č. 137). Vydalo Národní technické muzeum v Praze, ISBN 80-7037-044-0

Zemánková H., Tvořit ve vytvořeném, Nové funkční využívání uvolněných objektů, vydal Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, ISBN) VUT Brna) 80-214-2365-X, ISBN (CERM) 80-7204-281-5

Hlušičková H.,ed.), Technické památky v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku, díl I.IV., Praha 20012004. ISBN 80-7277-042-X.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4770206.html