
Buildings A4

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
124PSA4 Z,ZK 5 2P+1C Czech
In order to register for the course 124PSA4, the student must have registered for the course 124PSA3 no later than in the same semester.
The course 124PSA4 can be graded only after the course 124PSA3 has been successfully completed.
Course guarantor:
Department of Architectural Engineering

Healthy Buildings

Constituents of indoor microclimate, hazardous substances (VOCs, HFRs, heavy metals, moulds, microbes, aerosols, radionuclides, etc.), their sources and health effects. Influence of building structures and materials on quality of indoor microclimate. Design of buildings with respect to optimisation of indoor microclimate.

Fire Safety

Analysis of fire - course of fire, burning process, fire loading; legislation and European Standards; fire safety solutions - fire project, requirement for fire resistance of buildings, escape ways, distance separation, fire-fighting equipment; fire behaviour of the most used materials (wood, steel, concrete, plastics); protection of building materials against fire (brickwork, concreting, plasters and sprays, coatings, impregnates of wood, encasements, glued facings of mineral fibres); sandwiches from fire point of view; influence of claddings on the course fire; passive protection of building structures - fire walls, fire glazed structures, fire ceiling, draft stops and seals; repressive measures - electric fire signalling, stationary extinguishing devices, smoke extract, hydrant systems.


Healthy Buildings

Submission of home assignments in a required quality

70% attendance at lectures and seminars

Fire Safety

Given fire safety solution and sufficient participation on the lessons (above 70 %)

Syllabus of lectures:

Healthy Buildings

1. lecture. Constituents of indoor microclimate, health risks connected with indoor environment, summary of pollutants, sources of pollutants. Radionuclides in indoor environment. Protection of new houses against radon from the soil.

2. lecture. Method of radon diagnostics, remedial actions against radon and gamma radiation in existing houses..

3. lecture. Toxic microclimate - toxic chemicals (VOCs, HFRs, phthalate, vinyl chloride, formaldehyde, styrene, phenol, etc.) released from plastics, composites, adhesives, paints, etc. Aerosols, natural and man made mineral fibres respirable fibres (asbestos, rock, glass and mineral fibres). Preventive and remedial actions.

4. lecture. Microbial microclimate moulds, bacteria, yeasts, mites, fungi and microbes. Health effects and sources of biological contaminants. Toxic substances produced by moulds (mycotoxins, aflatoxins). Reducing exposure to biological contaminants.

5. lecture. Biodegradation of building materials and structures. Degradation of building materials by chemical and physical action caused by bilogical organisms.

Fire Safety

6. lecture: Fundamental concepts, statistics and reasons of fire. Analysis of fire reasons and course of fire. Fire legislation and European Standards. Burning process, fire loading.

7. lecture: Foundation of fire safety solutions of buildings fire project (fire and economic risk, fire grading), requirement for fire resistance of buildings, fire scripts, class of fire resistance, escape ways (types and requirements), distance separation (claddings and roof envelope, fire strips, additional contact padding warm).

8. lecture: Fire-fighting equipment (access road, external and internal fire-fighting route), water and electricity supply, extinguishers. Euro codes.

9. lecture: Fire behaviour of the most used materials: wood, steel, concrete non-reinforced, reinforced and prestressed, plastics (material structure, system and rate burning, influence of higher temperatures on properties of material, loss of stability, negative phenomena of steel in course of fire, fire dangerous properties of plastics and process-reduction of their burning).

10. lecture: Protection of building materials against fire (brickwork, concreting, plasters and sprays, coatings, impregnates of wood, encasements, glued facings of mineral fibres).

11. lecture: Influence of claddings of the temperature-course during fire (influence of filling and joints on fire spread, fire spread along facade). Passive protection of building structures fire walls, fire glazed structures, fire ceiling, draft stops and seals, drencher sprinkler).

12. lecture: Problem of fire liquidation in tower and hall buildings. Active fire safety protection (electric fire signalization, stationary extinguishing equipments, smoke extract). Fire hydrant systems in water supply (external and internal fire-protection water works).

13. lecture: Behaviour of the most used building materials in fire - wood, steel, non-reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, glass, plastics

Syllabus of tutorials:

Healthy Buildings

1. Design of radon preventive measures for a choosen building

2. Seminar work - prevention against a particular polutant

Fire Safety

Drawing up of fire safety solution to previous project:

1. fire risk (fire loading, division of disposal on fire compartments, fire grading),

2. requirements on fire resistance of building structures,

3. escape ways (choice of type, dimensioning),

4. distance separation (claddings and roof envelopes from fire open area - point of view, fire strips, surfacing),

5. fire-fighting equipment (access road, external and internal fire-fighting route),

6. water and electricity supply,

7. extinguishers.

Study Objective:

Healthy Buildings

To acquaint students with the requirements for ensuring high level of indoor air quality, with preventive and remedial actions.

Fire Safety

To acquaint students with foundation of fire safety solutions of buildings, legislation and European Standards, behaviour of the most applied materials in fire and their protection, and principles of repressive measures.

Study materials:

1. POKORNÝ, Marek a HEJTMÁNEK, Petr. Požární bezpečnost staveb | Sylabus pro praktickou výuku. Praha: ČVUT v Praze, 2021. 150 s. ISBN 978-80-01-06839-7. Skripta k dispozici v e-shopu ČVUT: https://eobchod.cvut.cz/skripta_cvut/skripta_cvut/pozarni_bezpecnost_staveb_sylabus_pro_praktickou_vyuku-150032906

2. Jiránek M.: Konstrukce pozemních staveb 80. Ochrana proti radonu. Skriptum ČVUT, 2002

3. Jiránek M., Honzíková M.: Radon - Stavební souvislosti I. a II. SÚJB a ČVUT, 2012, 2013

4. Wasserbauer R.: Biologické znehodnocení staveb. ABF Nakladatelství ARCH, 2000

5. Woolley T.: Building Materials, Health and Indoor Air Quality: No Breathing Space. Routledge 2017. ISBN 978-1-138-93449-8

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4769806.html