Building Construction II
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language |
523PS2K | Z,ZK | 4 | 2P+2C | Czech |
- Course guarantor:
- Lecturer:
- Tutor:
- Supervisor:
- Department of Construction Engineering I
- Synopsis:
The aim of the course is to introduce students to other variants of horizontal structures, general principles of substructure, construction and materials of building foundations, including excavations with regard to the terrain.
The different types of roofing of buildings with flat and pitched roofs are discussed.
Students are introduced to the construction of timber buildings, their historical and modern approaches to design, including their impact on the architectural expression of the building.
Students are introduced to variations in the design of framed buildings.
Contemporary design options are discussed in terms of the materials used (reinforced concrete/ steel/ timber), their spatial rigidity, and the traditional material and product base for completing the building (envelope/ partitions/ roof cladding).
Basic information on buildings made of spatial units, high-rise buildings and „super-structures“.
The aim is to provide an understanding of the importance and principles of depicting and drawing individual structures at different stages of design documentation. The basic methods and approaches to structural design are then practically tested in exercises.
- Requirements:
In order to be awarded credit, it is necessary to hand in the processed assignments in a hand-processed folder and the required attendance for the exercise must also be met.
The course concludes with a written test via the Moodle platform, which is written by all students in the course on the announced dates (with alternate dates for make-up tests). The second make-up dates are in the form of an individual oral examination to test knowledge.
Assessment criteria according to the CTU Examination Regulations.
- Syllabus of lectures:
Schedule and content of lectures:
1. lecture
Staircase III - ramps, lifts, escalators, moving walkways. Communication cores, laundry drops, garbage drops.
Lecture 2.
Structural skeleton systems - material and technological variants. Reinforced concrete, steel, wood, combined. Design principles.
Lecture 3.
Horizontal and pre-set structures - cornices, balconies, bay windows, awnings. Construction and material design. Solution of thermal bridges - iso-beams.
Load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures - expansion joints, fire safety
4th lecture
Wood-based buildings. Construction material - wood. Classic, modern wooden buildings. Log, timbered, half-timbered. Design principles. Skeleton, wall construction. Examples of buildings.
Lecture 5.
Roof and roof truss structures - requirements, characteristics, articulation and morphology of roofs, material variants.
Lecture 6.
Roof and truss structures - traditional and modern trusses - individual elements of the truss. Dimensions and design principles, examples of solutions. Systems of hamble, purlins, walnut. Joints of carpentry structures.
7th lecture
Foundations and substructure - ground floor, substructure. Ventilation and light shafts, English courtyards. Thermal and technical solution of plinth including waterproofing. Eaves walkways.
8th lecture
Foundations and substructure - geology, foundation, excavations. Requirements, foundation conditions, foundation design, anti-radon measures.
9th lecture
Foundations and substructure - surface and deep foundations, shallow foundations. Foundations in the gap, securing the construction pit.
Lecture 10.
Waterproofing of substructure - surveys, classification of waterproofing, basement construction, details of design.
11th lecture
Structural systems of high-rise buildings, supersystems - principles of design, structural stability, principles of weathering, communication cores, primary and secondary structures.
12th lecture
Combined structural systems, spatial - design principles, combination of horizontal and vertical, specific, mixed structures. Material variations, modular coordination, open and closed systems, industrial production.
- Syllabus of tutorials:
Exercise PS2
1. Prefabricated ceiling construction - ceramic concrete, „steel“. Floor plan of part of the house 1:50, variants of ceilings incl. folded and cross sections. Drawing of the assembly of ceiling components, assemblies with monolithic, semi-assembled and prefabricated beams. Details of ceiling, towers, ceramic concrete precast lintels.
Drawing No. 1 - Reinforced concrete ceiling (plan, folded sections)
2. Precast chimney, silicate, masonry and panel partitions - showing, quotation, description.
Drawing No. 2 - Reinforced concrete ceiling (details of lintel, partitions)
3. Reinforced concrete monolithic skeleton. Floor plan of the house, orientation and layout of frames, ceiling ribs, design of columns, purlins and ribs. Drawing and drawing of skeletal (skeleton, column) structure, scale 1:50
Drawing No. 3 - Reinforced concrete monolithic skeleton (floor plan, calculations)
4. Location and anchoring of the layered shell. Facade, drawing and drawing.
Drawing No. 4 - Reinforced concrete monolithic skeleton. (facade, cladding, section)
5.Staircase in reinforced concrete monolithic skeleton. Structural design of intermediate platforms, suspension under the beams, prefabricated plate arms, stair arms, geometric design of the assembly, dimensioning of the steps, calculation, spacing of the steps, placement of the arms.
Drawing No. 5 - Staircase in railway concrete monolith. skeleton (plan view, section, details)
6. Design of stair railings, handrails. Surface finishes of scales and sub-steps, relative position of entry and exit steps.
7.Timber construction - carpentry-bonded load-bearing structure, nailed from timbers, from CLT panels. Anchoring of thresholds, adjustments for openings, penetrations, chimney, design of ceiling load-bearing elements. Composition of floor layers, envelope and internal partition walls.
Drawing 6,7 - Timber building (plan, section, details)
8.Roof truss - roof plan, flat and pitched roof, design geometry, design options, element dimensions. Roof penetrations - roof windows, dormers, ventilation of HVAC elements, dimensioning. Drawing of trusses and pergolas, floor plans and sections.
Drawing No. 8 - Roof truss (floor plan, calculations)
9.Details of truss construction, joints of timber carpentry elements - traditional and modern, axonometric representation of part of the structure.
Drawing No. 9 - Roof truss (sections, details)
10.Foundations and substructure - design of flat foundations of the house, calculation and dimensioning, solution of foundation joints, construction pits. Floor plan and section of the underground floor and foundations of the house M 1:50, M 1:100
Drawing No. 10 - Foundations and substructure (floor plan, section, calculations)
11.Solution of ventilation and lighting shafts, detail drawing M 1:20
Drawing No. 11 - Foundations and substructure (detail of shaft, plinth)
Text part - accompanying report, construction technical report
- Study Objective:
Further to the course 523PS1, extension of knowledge by the design of structures focused on building basements and roof structures including long-span systems.
- Study materials:
Construction of Civil Engineering Structures 20, J. Witzany et al., CTU, 2000,
Atlas of standard details, P. Bienhauer, Eurostav, 2004,
Civil Engineering - Exercises II, M. Hanák, CTU, 2002,
Building Structures, D. Neumann, L. Rougen, U.Weinbrenner, V.Hestermann, Jaga, 2005,
Building Design, E. and P. Neufert, Consultinvest, 1995
Construction of civil engineering structures. Roofing of buildings, Zdeněk Bill, Karel Koutský 1991
Constructing Architecture, Andrea Deplazes, Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH 2022
Lectures and exercises.
Presentation of lectures and exercises in pdf documents.
Preview of lectures including videos and explanations for exercises - Institute's website 15 123, Teams platform, Moodle.
- Note:
- Further information:
- No time-table has been prepared for this course
- The course is a part of the following study plans:
- Bakalářský Krajinářská architektura 2018 (elective course)