
Master Project

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
BE1M15IND Z 4 0+4s English
Course guarantor:
Department of Electrical Power Engineering

Arranged for by the Department of Electrical Power Engineering.

To write an individual seminar work on a topic chosen by the students (ideally the topic of the seminar work is identical with the master´s thesis topic); to get acquainted with operation of a power generating plant (technology, economy, law, environmental protection, relations to the outside world); to acquire knowledge in the field of labour-law legislation, self-presentation, acquaintance with electrical power engineering of the CR in a broader context. Presentation of the outcomes of individual seminar works before students.


Condition for obtaining assessment is participation in seminars and semester thesis elaboration. Passing the exam is given by the Study and Examination Code for Students of the Czech Technical University in Prague.

Syllabus of lectures:

1)Introduction into the course, organizational matters, requirements for the seminar work/project. Introduction of a power generating plant as an example for further study of the plant´s activities on the market in the CR.

2)Power generating plant (EP) ? types of business corporations, subject of business, organizational structure, business economy, human resources, main business indicators, annual report. Selection of an example of a power generating plant´s business activity for further study. Assigning topics of the seminar work.

3)Legal framework of the EP business activities also with reference to the case study and the Energy Act. Accounting system, the case study economic and production planning. Requirements for formal and content aspects of the theses.

4)Internal and external relations of the EP, employee status and managerial positions in the EP, requirements necessary for concluding employment contract (offer of jobs on labour market, CV, tender procedures/job interviews, pre-contractual and contractual provisions according to the Labour Code; in general as well as with reference to the case study .

5)In-house standards and instructions of the EP, reference to the case study.

6)The Act on Energy Management, obligations of the EP resulting from this act and documents which the plant has to have prepared according to this act (among others: energy audit, energy expertise, inspection of boilers and heat distribution systems, energy demand requirements, etc.).

7)Consultations and presentations of the projects in progress.

8)Business activities of the EP, the Energy Act and regulations applicable to the EP´s business activities.

9)Production of the EP, the Energy Act and regulations applicable to production and services of the EP.

10)Investment activity of the EP, methodology of assessment of power generation investment, construction law, environmental protection.

11)Business economy, profit and loss statement, statement of assets and liabilities/balance sheet, cash-flow statement, project budget, more detailed power generation report of the EP.

12)Excursion to the OTE, a.s. control centre.

13)External relations of the EP ? market, public administration, regulator (the Energy Regulatory Office -ERÚ) and regulation, supervisory authorities, professional business associations and groups in power generation sector.

14)Presentation of individual students´ projects; credits.

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:
Study materials:

1)ČSN 01 6910. Úprava dokumentů zpracovaných textovými procesory. Praha: Úřad pro normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví, 2014.

2)ČSN ISO 690. Informace a dokumentace ? Pravidla pro bibliografické odkazy a citace informačních zdrojů. Praha: Úřad pro normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví, 2011.

3)DOLEŽAL, Jaroslav, Jiří ŠŤASTNÝ, Jan ŠPETLÍK, Stanislav BOUČEK a Zbyněk BRETTSCHNEIDER. Jaderné a klasické elektrárny. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2011, 259 s. ISBN 978-80-01-04936-5.

4)KISLINGEROVÁ, Eva. Finanční analýza: krok za krokem. Vyd. 1. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2005, xiii, 137 s. ISBN 80-717-9321-3.

5)TOMAN, Petr, Jiří DRÁPELA, Stanislav MIŠÁK, Jaroslava ORSÁGOVÁ, Martin PAAR a David TOPOLÁNEK. Provoz distribučních soustav. Vyd. 1. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2011, 263 s. ISBN 978-80-01-04935-8.

6)Úplné znění 1034.: Energetika. Ostrava: Sagit, a.s., 2014. ISBN 978-80-7208-984-0.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-13
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4634606.html