
Buildings 2

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
124PSA2 Z,ZK 5 2P+2C Czech
In order to register for the course 124PSA2, the student must have registered for the course 124PSA1 no later than in the same semester.
The course 124PSA2 can be graded only after the course 124PSA1 has been successfully completed.
The course 124PSA3 can be graded only after the course 124PSA2 has been successfully completed.
In order to register for course 124PSA3, the student must have registered for course 124PSA3 in a previous semester or in the same semester.
Course guarantor:
Department of Architectural Engineering

Staircases, sloping ramps, lift shafts - requirements, structural and material solutions, basics of typology, design principles, construction details, railing. Building foundations - foundation conditions, types of foundations, requirements, building plinth area (construction details). Basement - solution of basement walls, requirements, protection against water, waterproofing systems. Structural expansion joints in buildings - principles of joints design in bearing structures, thermal expansion, compensation of differences in settlement, construction details. Roof truss systems.


Passed 124PSA1 - Pozemní stavby A1.

Fulfillment of the requirements according to the lecturer's instructions.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Staircase (1) introduction, requirements, typology, geometry

2. Staircase (2) development, traditional structural systems

3. Staircase (3) development, modern structural systems

4. Staircase (4) - surfacea, acoustics, railings. Ramps. Elevators. Escalators

5. Expansion joints in load-bearing structures of buildings

6. Principles of foundation structures of buildings, flat foundations

7. Plinth area of buildings, deep foundations, repairing of foundations

8. Construction of the building substructure - basement walls, etc. shafts

9. Test (staircase construction design)

10. Waterproofing in substructure (1) - waterproofing sheet and coating

11. Waterproofing in substructure (2) waterproofing concrete

12. Load-bearing roof structures (1) - traditional roof truss systems

13. Load-bearing roof structures (2) - modern roof systems

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Design of the load-bearing system of the building - 2 variants with description

2. Discussion

3. Staircase - conceptual design

4. Staircase - detailed solution (1)

5. Staircase - detailed solution (2)

6. Discussion

7. Foundation structures of building - flat foundations design (1)

8. Foundation structures of building - flat foundations design (2)

9. Construction of the building substructure - basement structures design

10. Discussion

11. Expansion joints in load-bearing structures of buildings

12. Discussion

13. Completion, final discussion

Study Objective:

Student will gain knowledge in staircases, sloping ramps, lift shafts, building foundations, building plinth area, solution of basement walls, protection against water, waterproofing systems, structural expansion joints in buildings and roof truss systems.

Study materials:

!Witzany J., Jiránek M., Zlesák J., Zigler R.: Konstrukce pozemních staveb 20, skriptum ČVUT, Fakulta stavební, 2006

!Hájek P. a kol.: Konstrukce pozemních staveb 10 (Dilatace - kapitoly D1,D2), skriptum ČVUT, Fakulta stavební, 2002

?ČSN 73 4130 Schodiště a šikmé rampy - Základní požadavky, technická norma, ÚNMZ, Praha 2010

?ČSN 73 4301 Obytné budovy, technická norma, ÚNMZ, Praha 2004

?ČSN EN 1997-1,2 Eurokód 7: Navrhování geotechnických konstrukcí, ÚNMZ, 2006

?ČSN EN ISO 14688-1,2 Geotechnický průzkum a zkoušení, ÚNMZ, 2003

?ČSN EN 206: Beton: Specifikace, vlastnosti, výroba a shoda, ÚNMZ 2014

?ČSN EN 12390-8: Zkoušení ztvrdlého betonu - část 3: Hloubka průsaku tlakovou vodou, ÚNMZ, Praha 2009

?ČSN 730606 Hydroizolace staveb - Povlakové hydroizolace - Základní ustanovení, ÚNMZ, Praha 2000

?ČSN 730600 Hydroizolace staveb - Základní ustanovení, t.n., ÚNMZ, Praha 2000

:Pazderka J.: Přednášky předmětu PSA2 - ke stažení na webových stránkách (http://kps.fsv.cvut.cz/index.php)

:Pazderka J., Pavlů T.: Podklady pro cvičení PSA2 - ke stažení na webových stránkách (http://kps.fsv.cvut.cz/index.php)

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4175206.html