
Project Design L02

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
122PR02 KZ 5 4C Czech
In order to register for the course 122PR02, the student must have registered for the course 122PR01 no later than in the same semester.
The course 122PR02 can be graded only after the course 122PR01 has been successfully completed.
In order to register for the course 122BAPL, the student must have successfully completed the course 122PR02.
In order to register for the course 126BAPL, the student must have successfully completed the course 122PR02.
Garant předmětu:
Miloslava Popenková, Václav Pospíchal, Rostislav Šulc
Pavel Neumann, Miloslava Popenková, Václav Pospíchal, Tomáš Váchal
Pavel Neumann, Miloslava Popenková, Václav Pospíchal, Tomáš Váchal
Department of Construction Technology

. Technological scheme: division into objects, sections, shots, technological stages, determination of the directions of construction procedures of staged processes.

. List of main constructions in individual technological stages.

. Determination of the main coefficients of the work queue for the main objects.

. Design and assessment of lifting equipment

. Part of the technological analysis sheet according to the statement of dimensions or budget with the calculation of labor for the 0th - 4th stage process.

. Technological analysis, including decisive mechanisms, design of work crews with determination of their size, decisive materials (for transport) at the level of partial construction processes (manually with the transfer of items of the technological analysis sheet for the 0th - 4th stage process of the decisive object, hereinafter referred to as partial construction processes for remaining 5th - 9th stage process)

. Analysis of transport processes.

. Time plan - schedule in the structure of partial construction processes, according to the processed technological analysis.

. Operational (detailed) space-time graph in the structure of partial construction processes

. A complex space-time graph in the structure of stage processes

. Graph of the deployment of workers and the need for specified materials over time, graph of the need for decisive machines and mechanisms.

. Dimensioning of social and operational ZS.

. Construction site equipment drawings (according to the assignment: for the construction phase), including a technical report at the level of project documentation for a building permit (part of the ZOV) and sizing for the specified stages (e.g. excavations, supporting structure, rough internal work and surface treatment and the end of construction); DIO, DIR.

. The situation of wider relations with the assessment of transport routes

. Technological procedure for the agreed construction process/ including:

on determining construction readiness

on the implementation description

about the machine deployment plan (specific data from the rental company, etc.)

o the deployment plan of decisive platoons

o a detailed material supply plan (specifically, a list of all materials according to reality with comparison with calculations)

o a detailed list of the necessary tools and auxiliary structures (in detail)

o a quality control and measurement plan with reference to ČSN or ISO with citation of decisive articles

about documents or measurements that must be delivered or carried out with the delivery of a specific construction

o winter measures (if necessary)

o OSH risks to the process and measures to eliminate them

about the environmental aspects of the process and the possibility of minimizing their negative effects on the ŽP


Submitting the construction technology project and meeting the required attendance according to the department head's decree.

Syllabus of lectures:

The course does not have lectures

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Objectives of the subject, example of the project, explanation of individual parts, division into stages, determination of the directions of construction procedures of staged processes, division of the construction into objects and sections (diagram)

2. Rough calculation of dimensions (for decisive items from a technological point of view), inventory of all processes, detailed analysis of decisive processes (again decisive items - according to the Pareto rule - analysis sheet)

3. Presentation and control of technological analysis

4. Technological standard (for decisive processes with calculation, for others simplified), presentation and control of technological analysis

5. Assessment of the completeness and correctness of the project documentation, correction of the documentation (proposing changes to erroneous or unsuitable solutions)

6. Presentation and control of the technological standard

7. Detailed time-space graph of the construction with an emphasis on technological procedures and specifications (minimum, optimal, maximum technologically possible duration, minimum, optimal and maximum size of squads, alternative solutions for deploying machines and mechanisms, etc.)

8. Presentation and control of the space-time graph

9. Schedule (network graph) with a graph of the deployment of workers, decisive mechanisms and designated materials

10. Presentation and control of space-time graph and network graph

11. Detailed calculation (calculation according to the specific conditions of the construction, not taken from the database)

12. Construction site equipment according to individual phases of construction, drawings of construction site equipment including technical report and sizing for specified stages

13. Submissions and Credits

Study Objective:

To teach the student to apply a comprehensive approach to the design, analysis and optimization of building structures from a structural, technological and economic point of view, from the point of view of a technologist - preparer and implementer. Assessment of submitted project documentation (for building permit) and its addition. Correction of project documentation (proposing changes to incorrect, inappropriate or missing solutions). Spatial, technological and temporal structure solutions. Elaboration of construction organization principles and construction site equipment solutions. Development of a technological work procedure (production regulation) for the specified processes.

Study materials:

! Jarský, C., Musil, F. a kol.: Příprava a realizace staveb, CERM Brno 2003, ISBN 80-7204-282-3

: Zákon č. 183/2006 Sb. Zákon o územním plánování a stavebním řádu v platném znění

: Vyhláška č. 499/2006 Sb. o dokumentaci staveb v platném znění

Further information:
Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4155306.html