
Decision-making modelling

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range
238A175 ZK 2 0P+0C
Garant předmětu:
Department of Management and Economics

The subject acquaints students with the theoretical foundations of decision-making, including its analysis in the conditions of uncertainty, it focuses on the principles of aid in decision making. It deals with how the analytical problem-solving procedures, so numerical methods, including different types of simulations. The theoretical basis of a knowledge of mathematics and statistics at the level of a Bachelor's degree. In the exercises and case studies, the application uses in the areas of economy, management and production processes. The listener is familiar with an overview of the basic models of the decision-making process and the possibilities of their applications. Filling is characteristic and the method of multiobjective decision making, decision making under uncertainty and risk and víceetapové decision-making (decision trees). Attention is paid to the generalization of the model of decision-making in relation to the number of evaluation aspects, the number of participants in the decision-making process and the nature of the conflict of interest. It is possible to use the acquired knowledge and creative way to develop during the processing of bachelor and diploma thesis, participation in research or application projects, where appropriate, in the field of specialized subjects in the study all disciplines related to the Faculty of mechanical engineering. The course introduces the basics of the theory of decision making, also focuses on the principles of decision support.


Seminar credit requirements:attendance, active participation, elaboration of examples during exercises and handover to lecturer, effectual encompass running check tests, processing and vindication of term assignments.

Exam of knowledge from the lecture headings.

Syllabus of lectures:

1.The basic concepts of the theory of decision-making.

2.Multiobjective decision-making under certainty, risk and uncertainty, an overview of the methods.

3.More stages decision-making processes, decision-making trees.

4.Application dependency variables in the decision-making.

5.Group decision-making, expert methods.

6.Methods of additive, aspiration and lexicographic.

7.The theory of games.

8.Linear models of decision-making.

9.Models of conflict situations.

10.Antagonistic conflicts.

11.Nonantagonistické conflicts.

12.The theory of social choice.

13.Modelling of the negotiating process.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1.Decision-making under certainty, risk and uncertainty

2.Decision-making under certainty, risk and uncertainty.

3.Decision-making under certainty, risk and uncertainty.

4.Decision-making trees.

5.Decision-making trees.

6.Decision-making trees.

7.Application dependency variables in the decision-making.

8.Application dependency variables in the decision-making.

9.Expert methods.

10.Expert methods.

11.Linear models of decision-making.

12.Models of conflict situations.

13.Modelling of the negotiating process.

Study Objective:

The aim of the course is to build basic knowledge from the theory of decision making, in particular focusing on supporting methods and the use of models. The theoretical foundation of knowledge in mathematics and statistics.

Study materials:

1.FIALA, P., JABLONSKÝ, J., MAŇAS, M.: Vícekriteriální rozhodování. 1. vydání, VŠE, 1997, ISBN 80-7079-743-7

2.FIALA, P.: Skupinové rozhodování. 1. vydání, VŠE, 1997, ISBN 80-7079-044-X

3.FOTR, P., DĚDINA, J., HRŮZOVÁ, H.. Manažerské rozhodování. 1. vydání, EKOPRESS, 2000. ISBN 80-86119-20-3

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
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