
Introduction to Intelligent Transport Systems

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
20UITS Z,ZK 7 3P+2C+20B Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Transport Telematics

Terminology and legislative framework telematics systems and their architecture. Telematics systems in practice and their operation. Fundamentals of information and telecommunication systems for ITS. Principles and technical support measurement of traffic data, localization and navigation. Practical work with traffic data. Real examples of possible applications of the principles of ITS.


Zápočet: active participation in seminars, elaboration of all assigned parts of the semester work

Zkouška: written test, oral exam, evaluation according to ECTS

Syllabus of lectures:

1) Traffic telematics - definition, principle, benefits, examples

2) Technological framework in ITS

3) ITS at the national level

4) ITS at the city level

5) Telecommunications - basic terms

6) Telecommunications - services and networks

7) Telecommunications for transport solutions

8) Telecommunications - legislation and standardization

9) Road traffic management

10) Management of railway traffic

11) Public transport preferences

12) Legislative and organizational framework in transport telematics

13) Navigation in ITS

14) Smart City

Lectures can also be given in a different logical order and are supplemented by appropriate lectures by externs and experts from practice once every 14 days.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1) Task 1 (Basic traffic parameters) - preparation for survey and assignment

2) Task 1 - carrying out a survey in the field

3) Task 1 - evaluation I

4) Task 1 - evaluation II

5) Task 2 (Telecommunications) - assignment

6) Task 2 - practical measurement

7) Excursion to the railway transport hall

8) Excursion to 3 laboratories (Detectors, control, check-in and information systems)

9) Task 3 (real traffic data) - evaluation I

10) Task 3 - evaluation II

11) Task 3 - evaluation III

12) Debate on the selected ITS topic

13) Debate on a selected ITS topic

Study Objective:

Students have basic knowledge of intelligent transport systems and understand them as a superstructure of infrastructure. Having an idea of system complexity and the important role of information and telecommunication systems. Students know the basic terminology in this field and can describe the basic components and function of telematics systems.

Study materials:

Přibyl, P.: Inteligentní dopravní systémy a dopravní telematika II, skripta ČVUT, 2007.

Přibyl, P., Svítek, M.: Inteligentní dopravní systémy, BEN, Praha 2001, ISBN 80-7300-029-6.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet3699206.html