
First Aid

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17PBOPPA KZ 2 1P+1S Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

The course gives a brief overview of the main principles and procedures for providing emergency assistance, with special attention to the failure of basic life functions and immediately life-threatening conditions. At the same time also discussed the situation of disabled mass even under conditions, including the phenomenon of CBRN.

After successful completion of this course the student should be able to diagnose the failure of basic dependen-life functions, identify conditions of immediate danger to life, to perform basic resuscitation and urgent to provide urgent first aid.


credit: 100% active participation in exercises

theoretical part: a successful test of 80% correct answers.

practical part: the mannequin to demonstrate the ability to provide basic urgent resuscitation.

Warning: interval between good and retakes and then must have at least 7 days interval

Syllabus of lectures:

1st Basic emergency resuscitation - basic life functions, their failure

Call technical support, communication with the Operations Center, the procedure upon arrival of professional assistance.

2nd The emergency resuscitation - resuscitation breathing

3rd Basic emergency resuscitation - resuscitation of the circulation

4th Basic emergency resuscitation - automated external defibrillation

- resuscitation of children

5th Types bleeding (arterial, venous, external, internal), bleeding

6th Types of shock, shock, shock action

7th Non accident urgent conditions I

8th Non accident urgent conditions II

9th Injuries to the brain and the skull, spine and spinal cord injuries

10th Injuries to the chest and the abdomen, extremity injuries

11th Thermic trauma, electrocution injuries

12th Chemically trauma

13th CBRN

Syllabus of tutorials:

1st Basic emergency resuscitation - an examination of the affected unconscious control of life functions, Rautekova recovery position, extricating victim, monitor the status of victim,principles of evacuation, record information

2nd Basic emergency resuscitation - airway patency failure, ensuring airway patency, airway obstruction foreign body

3rd Basic emergency life support - cardiac arrest, CPR with one and two rescuers adults and children.

4th Automated external defibrillation

5th Urgent assistance in acute bleeding

- First aid for acute arterial bleeding external

- First aid for acute external venous bleeding

- Recognition and first aid for internal bleeding

- First aid for bleeding from body openings

6th Shock - identify the types of shock, shock action

7th Chest pain, identifying the most serious conditions, first aid

Acute breathlessness conditions - asthma attack, severe allergic reaction, pulmonary embolism

8th Sudden non-traumatic disorders of consciousness

- Vasovagal collapse, arrhythmia,

- Urgent conditions in diabetes (hypo-, hyperglycemia)

- Seizures - epilepsy, febrile convulsions,

- Intoxication

9th Serious head and spinal injuries - recognition, ensuring throughput DC, fixation spine (neck, trauma-board,KED, vacuum mattress) handling of the wounded

10th Injuries to the chest and abdomen (open, closed), first aid, handling the wounded

11th Basics maternity technology

12th First aid for musculoskeletal injuries - sprains, dislocations, fractures (open and closed), the identification, fixation, manipulation affected

13th First aid for thermal injuries (sunburn, heatstroke, burns, frostbite) and chemical injuries (burns, acid and lye)

Target practice:

- Verification of theoretical and practical knowledge of the substance delivered

- Practical training skills in the context of first aid

Note - the order of exercises may change depending on the order of lectures, learner timely informed of the change

Study Objective:

Acquiring of basic theoretic and practical principals of the first aid

Study materials:

1.AUSTIN, Margaret, Rudy CRAWFORD a Vivien J. ARMSTRONG. First aid manual: the authorised manual of St John Ambulance, St Andrew's First Aid and the British Red Cross. 10th ed. London: Dorling Kindersley, 2014.

2.LE, Tao et al. First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 2014: a student-to-student guide. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2014.

3.THYGERSON, Alton L. et al. First Aid, CPR, and AED advanced. 6th ed. London: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2012.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
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