
Principals of Clinical Branches I

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17PBRZKO1A Z 4 2P+2C Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

The student is acquainted with principal problems of particular clinical branches, with most important features of diseases and possibilities of their treatment. Emphasize is put on diseases principally contributing to the mortality in the Czech Republic and those, in which non-pharmacological prevention is effective and feasible.


Test requirements

The exam is oral and the student when it must demonstrate their knowledge of clinical propedeutics. It consists of practical demonstration, which demonstrates the ability to remove a patient's medical history and examination (head, thorax, abdomen, musculoskeletal system, blood pressure and pulse) and then draw a question of either medical records or laboratory test substance to the extent appropriate relief discussed in lectures or workshops and in the compulsory literature. Ignorance of one of these parts is the reason for the classification of F-test. Without obtaining the credit and write credit into baskets and presentation of the index can not take the exam. The test will consist of faculty in the building or any of the clinical departments KLHO.

credit requirements

Active participation in seminars, including homework. There are two allowable absence, leading seminars shall determine compensation exercise. Larger absence can be excused only for serious and documented reasons and agree with the leader of seminars form of compensation. Another condition is the processing of credit and a successful defense of two seminar papers.

Syllabus of lectures:


Examination laboratory methods in human medicine - clinical biochemistry, clinical haematology, immunology, clinical genetics, possibilities of application of results.

Internal propaedeutic.

Internal medicine: Circulation system, coronary artery disease, acute and chronic forms, manifestations, diagnostics, possibilities of treatment and prevention.

Internal medicine: Inflammatory diseases of the myocardium and blood vessels, principal manifestations, diagnostics and treatment, possibilities of prevention.

Internal medicine: Congenital and acquired failures of heart and large vessels, possibilities of conservative and surgical treatment, possibilities of prevention, complications.

Internal medicine: Respiratory system, inflammatory and cancer diseases, manifestations, possibilities of diagnostics, treatment and prevention.

Internal medicine: Gastrointestinal tract, most frequent diseases, manifestations, possibilities of diagnostics, treatment and prevention.

Internal medicine: Urogenital tract, most important diseases, manifestations, possibilities of diagnostics, treatment and prevention.

Internal medicine: Most frequent and most serious diseases of endocrine glands, diabetes mellitus, manifestations, diagnostics, possibilities of treatment and prevention.

Physical damage to the organism.

Vascular diseases of the CNS.

Inflammatory diseases and degenerative diseases of the NS.

Involvements of the medulla, NS tumours.

Paroxysmal diseases.

Syllabus of tutorials:

Organization of seminars, filling seminar papers, credit conditions

Health insurance and nursing care

Nursing home care

Nursing as part of complex therapy

Indications for nursing care nursing care for patients with impaired vision

Nursing care of patients with cardiovascular apparatus I

Nursing care of patients with cardiovascular apparatus II

Nursing care for obese

Nursing care for patients in nephrology

Nursing care for patients in pneumology

Nursing care of patients of the metabolic unit

Nursing care for patients with renal failure

Repetition, replacement topic

seminar Outline

1st Control of substances odpřednášené knowledge in lectures (as a test or written test).

2nd Presentation of seminar papers.

3rd Discussion of presented works.

4th Free discussion on chosen points of the issue.

Note - the order may change workshops, students will be informed of the change on the website of the department.

Study Objective:

Students will issue the basics of clinical disciplines, learn about the most important features of the disease and their treatment options.

Study materials:

Povinná literatura:

Navrátil, Leoš a kol.: Vnitřní lékařství pro nelékařské zdravotnické obory. GRADA, Praha 2008

Adámková Věra: Úvod do problematiky epidemiologie a prevence kardiovaskulárních chorob - Jihočeská univerzita České Budějovice, 2003

Slezáková Lenka a kol.: Ošetřovatelství pro zdravotnické asistentky I, Grada, Praha 2010

Chrobák Ladislav: Propedeutika vnitřního lékařství, Grada, Praha 2007

Kuchyňka K.: Oční lékařství, Praha, Grada 2007, s.29-34, s.62-94, s.727-747, ISNN 978-80-247-1163-8

Ferko A., Vobořil Z., Šmejkal K., Bedrna J: Chirurgie v kostce- vybrané kapitoly. Praha, Grada 2008, ISSN 80-247-0230-4

Doporučená literatura:

Adámková V., Velemínský M. ml.: Nejčastější choroby přenosné ze zvěře na člověka, VEGA Praha, 2004, 1. vydání, s. 40, ISBN 80-903186-4-9

Zadák, Z., Havel E.: Intenzivní medicína na principech vnitřního lékařství. Grada, Praha, 2007

Špinar, J.: Propedeutika a vyšetřovací metody vnitřních nemocí. Grada, Praha, 2008

Zima, Tomáš a kol.: Laboratorní diagnostika. Galén, Praha 2002

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet3577306.html