
Quality Management for Human Resources Managers

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
51XMKV KZ 4 2P+1C Czech
Course guarantor:
Institute of Pedagogical and Psychological Studies

A systemic approach to ensure quality management - the history , theory and practice , principles and terminology . Simple statistical and analytical tools managing and improving quality. Requirements of international standard ISO 9001 ( the current version ) quality management systems . Types of audits in systems management , collaboration with certification and consulting companies. Preparation, implementation and evaluation of internal audit management system . Presentation of examples of established quality management systems . EFQM ( European Quality Award ) for quality assessment.


Compulsory attendance at exercises , active participation, preparation of documentation QMS entered fictitious organization and presentation .

Syllabus of lectures:

1 Quality Management Systems (QMS) - Introduction, historical overview, background, theory and practice, principles and terminology QMS (ISO 9000, as amended).

2.Conception ISO 9001 (as amended) and contents, requirements for a quality management system demonstration of the examples processed QMS documentation.

3.Processmanagement as a basis for a quality management system, the processing of the process model, the determination of key performance indicators (KPI) targets and KPI evaluation methods.

4 ISO 9001 - Quality Management System.

5 ISO 9001 - Management responsibility.

6 ISO 9001 - Resource Management with emphasis on Section 6.2 Human Resources.

7 ISO 9001 - Product Realization.

8 ISO 9001 - measurement, analysis and improvement, simple management tools and quality improvement - preparation to evaluate the objectives and criteria of processes.

9.Typy audits, preparation, implementation and evaluation of internal audits, corrective and preventive actions, 8D Report, Kaizen principle of continuous improvement.

10.Alternativní and advanced security models QMS (Model EFQM European Quality Award, ISO / TS 16949 quality assurance standard specifications in the automotive industry, a draft amendment to the ISO 9001: 2015 etc.) focusing on requirements in the field of human resource management, concept of ISO 14001 environmental management system and OHSAS 18001 management systems in the field of occupational safety and health (OSH).

11. Presentation of examples of established management systems,

12. Presentation of team projects

Syllabus of tutorials:

1 Quality Management Systems (QMS) - Introduction, historical overview, background, theory and practice, principles and terminology QMS (ISO 9000, as amended).

2.Conception ISO 9001 (as amended) and contents, requirements for a quality management system demonstration of the examples processed QMS documentation.

3.Processmanagement as a basis for a quality management system, the processing of the process model, the determination of key performance indicators (KPI) targets and KPI evaluation methods.

4 ISO 9001 - Quality Management System.

5 ISO 9001 - Management responsibility.

6 ISO 9001 - Resource Management with emphasis on Section 6.2 Human Resources.

7 ISO 9001 - Product Realization.

8 ISO 9001 - measurement, analysis and improvement, simple management tools and quality improvement - preparation to evaluate the objectives and criteria of processes.

9.Typy audits, preparation, implementation and evaluation of internal audits, corrective and preventive actions, 8D Report, Kaizen principle of continuous improvement.

10.Alternativní and advanced security models QMS (Model EFQM European Quality Award, ISO / TS 16949 quality assurance standard specifications in the automotive industry, a draft amendment to the ISO 9001: 2015 etc.) focusing on requirements in the field of human resource management, concept of ISO 14001 environmental management system and OHSAS 18001 management systems in the field of occupational safety and health (OSH).

11. Presentation of examples of established management systems,

12. Presentation of team projects

Study Objective:

The aim of the course is a systemic approach to ensure quality management with a focus on skills necessary for personnel .

Study materials:


Machek V.: Systém managementu kvality (dle požadavků ISO 9001) - podklady a pracovní listy k jednotlivým cvičením (v elektronické podobě na intranetu)

ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009 „Systémy managementu kvality - Požadavky“ - výtah z normy (v elektronické podobě na intranetu)

ČSN EN ISO 9000:2006 Systémy managementu kvality - Základy, zásady a slovník" - výtah z normy (v elektronické podobě na intranetu)

Sborníky z odborných seminářů a konferencí


ISO/TS 16 949:2009 Systémy managementu kvality - Zvláštní požadavky na používání ISO 9001:2008 v organizacích zajišťujících sériovou výrobu a výrobu náhradních dílů v automobilovém průmyslu

ČSN EN ISO 19011:2011 Směrnice pro auditování systému managementu kvality a/nebo systému environmentálního managementu

Nenadál J. a kol.: Moderní řízení jakosti. Management Press, Praha 2001

Kožíšek J.: Management jakosti I. ČVUT, Praha 2006

Kožíšek J.: Management jakosti II. ČVUT, Praha 2006

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet3137406.html