
Managerial Tools and Calculations

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
51PMNP Z,ZK 3 2P+2C Czech
Garant předmětu:
Institute of Pedagogical and Psychological Studies

The course is targeted on the key managerial tools used for Enterprise Management Control and on the ability to work efficiently with them. Process Control and Activity Based Control is supposed to be applied as the base for enterprise control. During the course the students create their own model (M)-enterprise for applying managerial tools. Students works in 2-3 members teams and step by step apply the selected managerial tools on their M-enterprise. On the seminars present their progress, which is discussed together with other students and the teacher to assess the suggested solution. The computerized models are used for presentation key principles and features, including key integrated links, of the managerial tools. They are prepared and on the intranet available also many others learning aids including presentations used during the lectures, solved cases, and also written text support, incl. questions and answers to each chapter, in the scope of 77 pp.


Regularly attending on the seminars is required and the attendance on the lectures is strongly recommended. Point system during the term is applied to estimated and motivated students to continuous work during the term. The points are granted according to activities during the seminars, to each presentation, to 2 partial tests in the term and to one final test and according to the quality of the semestrial work. To be credited requires to gain at least 25 points and create and defended semestrial work. The concluding exam is written form and consists of two cases and five questions, which students can selected from six questions offered.

Syllabus of lectures:

1.Managerial tools and calculations - introduction.

2.The role of the processes and activities (PC, ABM) in Management Control.

3.The role of Cost Control in Management Control.

4.Operational budget - key tool for enterprise operational control.

5.Hour Cost Tariff Method.

6.Product and order costing.

7.Key links of Operational budget and Costing to internal and financial accounting and to other areas.

8.Assessment of enterprise performance.

9.Target Costing methodology - broader approach.

10.Investment projects and their assessment.

11.Value Chain and its links to other managerial tools.

12.Integrative features of managerial tools.

13.Summary. Recommendations. Conclusions.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Introduction to seminars. Rules and recommendations for work on seminars. Teams formation. M-enterprise proposal. Its competitive advantage.

2. M-enterprise: Key characteristics presentation. Scheme of key production scheme + other necessary activities. Presentations.

3. Resources allocation to the activities/processes. Capacity scope of each activity/process. Presentations.

4. Cost and capacity calculations. Presentations.

5. Test-1. Operational budget creation. Presentations.

6. Operational budget: Presentations. Hour cost tariff calculations.

7. Costing structure suggestion and its items calculations. Presentations.

8. Test-2. Costing structure: Presentations.

9. Costing structure. Suggested performance indicators: Presentations.

10. Investment project: Presentations.

11. Value chain: Presentations. Final presentations (Part-1).

12. Final test. Final presentations (Part-2).

13. Final presentations (Part-3). Final test-assessment. Crediting (if conditions fulfilled).

Study Objective:

To explain and to learn how to apply the basic managerial principles, method, techniques and their tools on Model-Enterprise that is defined as unique one by each student?s team. The recommended types of the M-enterprise are industrial, servicing or IT enterprises. The tutor regularly offer the feedback to improve and complete the work. The final result is summarized in final semestrial work, which consists of the three parts: concluding report, excel calculations and presentation (in .ppt).

Study materials:

Basic Bibliography:

(0) Zralý, M.: Program a pravidla kurzu, v el. formě, intranet

(1) Zralý, M.: Podklady pro přednášky a cvičení, vč. úloh, v el. formě, intranet

(2) Zralý, M.: Ekonomika podniku, zkrácený studijní text.pdf, (částečně), rev. 2014, intranet

(3) Zralý, M. a kol.: Management a ekonomika podniku - Sbírka úloh pro cvičení, Vyd. ČVUT v Praze, 2014

(4) Růžičková, P.: Finanční analýza, Grada 2007

(5) Scholleová, H.: Ekonomické a finanční řízení pro neekonomy, Grada Publishing, 2012. ISBN 978-80-247-4004-1.

Recommended bibliography:

Cokins, G.: Performance management: Finding the Missing Pieces (To close the gap), John Willey & Sons, Inc., 2004

Davila, T., Epstein, K. J., Shelton, R.: Making Innovation Work, How to Manage It, Measure It and Profit from It, Pearson Education Inc., Wharton School Publishing

Drucker, P.F.: The Essential Drucker, Harper Collins Publishers Inc., N.Y., 2005

Král, B. a kol.: Manažerské účetnictví, Management Press, Praha, poslední vydání

Zralý, M. a kol.: Management a ekonomika podniku - Souhrnná úloha, Vyd. ČVUT v Praze, 2010

Further information:
https://intranet.muvs.cvut.cz/OPPS/Letní semestr/ Manažerské nástroje a propočty
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