
Online information retrieval and the work with electronic information resources

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
51EDTB KZ 2 1P+1C Czech
Course guarantor:
Institute of Pedagogical and Psychological Studies

This course is focused on knowledge and skills required for the work with course and scientific literature, for information searching in relevant and valuable scientific information resources, for acquiring desired information and literature, for applying newly acquired knowledge in practice during the work on bachelor thesis, and for acquiring the principles of citation ethics and citation practice incl. citing and creating reference lists.


1. Min. 80% attendance at practical lessons is required (1 absence allowed)

2. Students are required to pass all tests during the semester with the final score of min. 50%

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Basic terminology for online information retrieval

2. Human-Computer Interaction and online retrieval systems, user information behavior

3. Library services and library catalogues

4. Electronic information resources at the CTU

5. Scientific information resources for the CTU

6. E-books

7. Science Direct database

8. Searching on the web and open access resources

9. Citing and creating references in university theses

10. Sharing of scientific information

11. How to write scientific texts

12. Sources for competitive intelligence

13. Final course evaluation, grading, feedback

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Research query, keywords, research strategies

2. Information retrieval

3. Online retrieval in electronic catalogues

4. Access to online electronic information resources

5. Online information retrieval on EBSCOhost platform

6. Online information retrieval of e-books on Ebrary platform

7. Online information retrieval in Science Direct database

8. Online information retrieval in open access resources, DOAJ, OpenDOAR, EconomistOnline

9. Citing and creating references in university theses

10. Tools for management and sharing of information and reference generators (Google Docs, RSS)

11. How to write scientific texts - guidelines how to write theses

12. Searching for economic and corporate information

13. Searching in the factographic database HelgiLibrary

Study Objective:

The aim of the course is to teach student show to conduct an online informatik retrieval, how to select the best retrieval strategy possible in order to gain relevant information to the desired subject, as well as to select the useful informatik out of the large amount of informatik stored in the databases. Students will get acquainted with the most common search strategies in online informatik retrieval practice with the focus on the most effective methods of online retrieval based on the partikular query using Boolean operators. The course is focused on theoretical and practical aspects of online informatik retrieval from selected online informatik resources. As a goal of the course, students will link thein theoretical knowledge with practical online informatik retrieval process from electronic informatik resources in science, technology and economics.

Study materials:

PAPÍK, Richard. Strategie vyhledávání informací a elektronické informační zdroje. 1. vyd. Praha: Velryba, 2011. 192 s. Podnikání a management. ISBN 978-80-85860-22-1.

POKORNÝ, Jaroslav, Václav SNÁŠEL, a Michal KOPECKÝ. Dokumentografické informační systémy. 2., přeprac. vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 2005. 184 s. Učební texty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. ISBN 80-246-1148-1.

SKLENÁK, Vilém a kol. Data, informace, znalosti a Internet. Vyd. 1. V Praze: C.H. Beck, 2001. xvii, 507 s. C.H. Beck pro praxi. ISBN 80-7179-409-0.

PAPÍK, Richard et al. Internet - ekonomické, marketingové a finanční aplikace: strategie vyhledávání a prezentace. Praha: EKOPRESS, 1998. 220 s. ISBN 80-86119-03-3.

MOLNÁR, Zdeněk.Competitive intelligence, aneb, Jak získat konkurenční výhodu. Vyd.1. Praha: Oeconomica, 2012. 254 s. ISBN 978-80-245-1908-1.

Further readings:

Podpora studia [online]. Ústřední knihovna ČVUT. [vid. 17.9.2013]. Dostupné z: http://knihovny.cvut.cz/studium/

Online kurzy a návody [online]. Ústřední knihovna ČVUT. [vid. 17.9.2013]. Dostupné z: http://knihovna.cvut.cz/informacni-zdroje/online-kurzy-a-navody/

Tutoriály a uživatelské příručky EBSCOhost [online]. EBSCO Publishing. [vid. 17.9.2013]. Dostupné z: http://support.epnet.com/training/lang/cs/cs.php

Informační zdroje [online]. Ústřední knihovna ČVUT. [vid. 17.9.2013]. Dostupné z: http://knihovna.cvut.cz/informacni-zdroje/

Jak psát vysokoškolské závěrečné práce [online]. Ústřední knihovna ČVUT. [vid. 17.9.2013]. Dostupné z: http://knihovna.cvut.cz/studium/jak-psat-vskp/

Vyhledávání v databázích a práce s informacemi. Kurz v Moodle ČVUT [online]. Moodle - prostředí pro výuku po internetu na ČVUT. [vid. 17.9.2013]. Dostupné z: http://ocw.cvut.cz/

Further information:
Kurz v elektronickém výukovém prostředí Moodle na ČVUT na adrese: http://ocw.cvut.cz/moodle/
No time-table has been prepared for this course
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Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet3103806.html