
Toxicological Aspects of Chemical Accidents and Chemical Weapons Misuse

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17PBPTAH ZK 3 2P Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

The course summarizes the current knowledge and information about chemical accidents, an overview of laws and implementing regulations on chemical substances and prevention of accidents Czech and European legislation, as well as links between them. Identifies the main risks of acute chemical accidents. The goal is to further acquaint students with major pollutants and chemical warfare agents, including their impact on public health, and the principles of prevention and liquidation of consequences of the Integrated Rescue System.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. National and international legislation on hazardous substances. International agreements and regulations of hazardous substances. Prevention of serious chemical accidents under Act No. 224/2015 Coll.

2. Distribution of pollutants and their brief characteristics, characteristics of the basic physical quantities used to describe the physical properties of hazardous materials, basic chemical properties and expression levels of pollutants in the air.

3. The most important industrial pollutants - chemistry, toxicology, analysis and protection.

4. Combat chemicals - chemical weapons history, characteristics and classification BCHL, systematics BCHL.

5. Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, non-lethal chemical weapons.

6. Pesticides - an overview. Means of detection of hazardous pollutants and BCHL.

7. Factors affecting the spread of pollutants and their characteristics. Protective equipment for respiratory and body surface. Decontamination options.

8. The labeling of dangerous substances, distribution of labeling systems (UN-system, warning signs, and other HAZCHEM code, diamonds, and other system).

9. possible terrorist use of chemical substances and their effects on measures of protection of persons (general rules of behavior of the population), IRS action to be taken.

10. Classification credit last week of instruction.

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:

The aim is to inform students of possible types of chemical accidents, threats to the environment, life, health and population, and principles of prevention and liquidation of consequences. Examples of potential sources of chemical accidents, the causes and course of major accidents, destruction, threats to the population and the environment are also looked at.

Study materials:

[1] Matoušek, J., Linhart P.: CBRN. Chemické zbraně. Sdružení požárního a bezpečnostního inženýrství, Ostrava 2005.

[2] Čapoun, T. a kol.: Chemické havárie. MV/GŘHZS, Praha, 2009.

[3] Středa, L., Brádka, S., Bláhová, M.: Nebezpečné chemické látky a ochrana proti nim. MV - GŘ HZS ČR, Praha 2006.

[4] Pitschmann, V.: Analýza toxických látek detekčními trubičkami. Econt Consulting, Drahelčice 2005.

[5] Pitschmann, V.: Vojenská chemie kyanovodíku. Ekoline, Brno 2004.

[6] Středa, L., Halámek, E., Kobliha, Z.: Bojové chemické látky ve vztahu k Úmluvě o zákazu chemických zbraní. Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost, Praha 2004.

[7] Florus, S.: Charakteristika zbraní hromadného ničení, nebezpečných škodlivin a zápalných látek. VVŠ PV, Vyškov 2003.

[8] Pitschmann, V.: Historie chemické války. Military System Line, Praha, 1999.

[9] Prymula, R. a kol. Biologický a chemický terorismus. Grada, Praha, 2002.

[10] Server TOXICOLOGY na adrese http://toxicology.emtrading.cz,

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet3075006.html