
Professional Nursing Care

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17PBROOP Z 3 2XT Czech
In order to register for the course 17PBROOP, the student must have successfully completed the course 17PBRPPP in a previous semester.
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

Special nursing practice enables the students to take advantage of knowledge and skill mastered by the study of theoretical and theoretical-practical subjects under conditions of clinical institutions. It offers opportunity for upgrading the skill and habits and leads student to independence, responsibility and team work. It is implemented according to the plan of clinical teaching under supervision of a teacher of nursing or trained qualified mentor sharing the responsibility for the student and participating in the teaching process. The clinical institutions are selected for the teaching process based on standards established. The extent and scope of the special practice is delimited by the study plan, nature of the study practice and internal directives establishing the form and contents of practical teaching. The student will be acquainted with the medical environment and will form his/her relationship to patients.

The target of the practice is enhancement of the skill and deepening of practical knowledge. The students have an opportunity of confrontation, application and development of knowledge mastered in theoretical education.

The subject synthesizes theoretical knowledge and manual skill mastered by students in the subject basic nursing and teaches the students using knowledge and skill under natural conditions.

The student will be acquainted with the organization of work at a nursing unit and with the operation of hospital and will master principles of the protection and safety at work.

The student will master experience and deepen skill in communication with patients and with further members of the healthcare team.

The student performs the following nursing procedures - all the student activity is carried out under a control of an experienced nurse assigned by the management of the clinical department.


Passing the classified credit by the method set.

Syllabus of lectures:


Syllabus of tutorials:

The student follows physiological functions and condition of patients, implements complex hygienic care, prevention of decubiti, distributes meals for patients depending on their diets, controls adhering to drinking regimen, provides the application of heat and cold.

Performs rehabilitation nursing including prevention of disorders due to immobility.

Performs training of the self-service with the aim to enhance the patient self-sufficiency.

Administers medicinal products except for intravenous administration and administration into epidural catheters.

Takes biological material samples, performs examination of biological material obtained by non-invasive way and capillary blood by semiquantitative methods (diagnostic papers).

Introduces and maintains oxygen therapy.

Under supervision, he/she prepares patients for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures based on decision by a physician, general nurse or midwife, assists them and provides nursing care during these procedures and after them.

Participates in activities associated with admission, transfer and dismission of patients.

Clinical working sites:

Internal department 32 hours

Surgical departments 32 hours

Surgical outpatient department 8 hours

Paediatric department 8 hours

Study Objective:


to master basic knowledge within the subject to the extent necessary for the performance of the profession in the branch Radiology Assistant.

Study materials:

Doenges, M. E., Moorhouse, M. F. Kapesní průvodce zdravotní sestry. 2. přepracované vydání. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2001, 568 str. ISBN: 80-247-0242-8.

Mikšová, Z., Froňková, M., Zajíčková, M. Kapitoly z ošetřovatelské péče 1.Ošetřovatelský proces při zajištění základních potřeb klienta, nemocného. 1. vydání. Valašské Meziříčí: NALIOS, 2002. 98 str.

Skálová, J., Klimentová, D., Kubíčková, V. Standardní pracovní postupy ošetřovatelské péče. FN u Svaté Anny v Brně, 1997.

Staňková, M. České ošetřovatelství č. 6, Hodnocení a měřicí techniky v ošetřovatelské praxi. 1. vydání. Brno: IDVPZ, 2001. 55 str. ISBN: 80-7013-323-6.

Tóthová, V.: Kapitoly z ošetřovatelství. (Pro posluchače studijního programu Radiologický asistent). České Budějovice: JU ZSF, 1999.

Trachtová, E. a kolektiv. Potřeby nemocného v ošetřovatelském procesu. 2. nezměněné vydání. Brno: IDVPZ, 1999. 186 str. ISBN: 80-7013-324-8.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet2835706.html