Medical Devices and Equipments
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language |
17KBILPZ | KZ | 3 | 4P+8C | Czech |
- Garant předmětu:
- Lecturer:
- Tutor:
- Supervisor:
- Department of Biomedical Technology
- Synopsis:
Medical devices categories. Electrical safety of medical devices. Biopotentials amplifiers. Electrocardiographs, electromyographs and electroencephalographs. Dilution methods of blood flow and cardiac output measurement. Blood pressure measurement. Cardiac frequency measurement. Phonocardiography. Pulse oxymetry. Medical monitors. Electrostimulation and electrosurgery medical devices. Therapeutic medical devices. Implantable medical devices. Telemetry. Medical devices for audiology.
- Requirements:
- Syllabus of lectures:
1.Introduction. Medical devices categories
2.Biopotential amplifiers, sensing electrodes
3.Electromyography (EMG)
4.Blood pressure measurement (methods and devices)
5.Electrocardiography (ECG)
6.Cardiotachography, phonocardiography, blood flow measurement (dilute methods)
7.Pneumometry (spirometer, pneumotachograph, body composition)
8.Electrostimulation and electrosurgery
9.Electroencephalogram (EEG)
10.Medical devices for audiology, ophthalmology, optometry and videoculography
11.Therapeutical medical devices (ultrasound devices, radiotherapeutical and radioisotopical devices)
12.Artificial organs
13.Implantable medical devices
14.Electrical safety of medical devices
- Syllabus of tutorials:
no excercises
- Study Objective:
To provide students with information concerning the
categories of medical devices and flow chart of the most
important medical devices and their functions. Students
will give summary about the required parameters,
utilization particulars, possible distactions and safety
- Study materials:
(všechny uvedené publikace jsou dostupné ve FK FBMI ČVUT) -
URČITĚ UVÉST ČERVENÉ, když se nebudou vejít všechny
[1] elektronické informační zdroje (EIZ) na WWW stránce a to zejména Encyclopedia of
Medical Devices and Instrumentation - John G. Webster, nebo
viz též
112102158/HOME (autorizovaný přístup prostřednictvím brány
elektronických informačních zdrojů na http://knihovny.cvut.
cz, jako příklad lze uvést komplexní popis
[2] Wiley Encyclopedia of Biomedical Engineering [online].
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., c1999-2007. Poslední změna 2007 [
cit. 2007-05-11]. URL: <
cgi-bin/mrwhome/112403272/HOME> (autorizovaný přístup
prostřednictvím brány elektronických informačních zdrojů n
[3] Webster, J. G. Medical Instrumentation. Application an
Design. 3. ed. Boston: Wiley. 1997 (kniha v dostatečném
počtu ve fakultní knihovně FBMI)
[4] Bronzino, J. D. The Biomedical Engineering Handbook (
Volume I. and II.). 2nd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 1999 (
kniha dostupná ve fakultní knihovně FBMI)
[5] Webster, J.G. Bioinstrumentation (DVD se záznamem
přednášky na ČVUT dostupné ve FK FBMI - půldenní tutorial,
uskutečněný v roce 2005 při příležitosti konference EMBEC´
05 v Praze)
[6] Bioelectromagnetism - Principles and Applications of
Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields [online]. Oxford
University Press, Jaako Malmivuo, Robert Plonsey, c1995-
2007. Poslední změna 2006 [cit. 2007-05-11]. URL: http:// (k dispozici je jak
kompletní elektronická verze knihy, tak i nově od roku 2006
kompletní sada přednášek jako videozáznamy ke stažení -
přístup není omezen)
[7] Introduction to biomedical engineering / John D.
Enderle, Susan M. Blanchard, Joseph D. Bronzino [editors].
San Diego : Academic Press, c2000. - xvii, 1062 s. : il. -
ISBN 0-12-238660-4.
[8] Principles of applied biomedical instrumentation / L. A
Geddes, L. E. Baker. - New York : Wiley, c1989. - xxvi,
961 s. - ISBN 0-471-60899-8.
[9] Introduction to biomedical equipment technology /
Joseph J. Carr, John M. Brown.. - Upper Saddle River :
Prentice Hall, c2001.. - xv, 743 s., [34] s. příl. : il. -
ISBN 0-13-010492-2.
[10] A guide to patient care technology : a review of
medical equipment / Laurence J. Street. - London :
Parthenon, c2002. - ix, 142 s.
[11] Biomedical instruments : theory and design / Walter
Welkowitz, Sid Deutsch, Metin Akay. - San Diego : Academic
Press, c1992. - xiv, 377 s. : il. - ISBN 0-12-744151-4.
[12] The biomedical engineering handbook. volume I / editor
in-chief Joseph D. Bronzino. - Boca Raton : CRC Press,
c2000. - 1 sv. (různé stránkování) : il. - ISBN 0-8493-0461
[13] The biomedical engineering handbook. volume II /
editor-in-chief Joseph D. Bronzino. - Boca Raton : CRC
Press, c2000. - 1 sv. (různé stránkování) : il. - ISBN 0-
[14] Ultrasonic instruments and devices I : reference for
modern instrumentation, techniques, and technology / edited
by R.N. Thurston, Allan D. Pierce ; volume editor Emmanuel
P. Papadakis. - San Diego : Academic Press, c1999. - xii,
482 s. : il. - ISBN 0-12-477923-9.
[15] Ultrasonic instruments and devices II : reference for
modern instrumentation, techniques, and technology / edited
by R.N. Thurston, Allan D. Pierce ; volume editor Emmanuel
P. Papadakis. - San Diego : Academic Press, c1999. - vii,
372 s. : il. - ISBN 0-12-477945-X.
[16] Measurement, instrumentation, and sensors handbook :
CRCnetBASE. - Boca Raton, Fla. : Chapman & Hall/CRC, c1999.
- 1 elektronický optický disk (CD-ROM) - ISBN 0-8493-2145-x
- ISSN 1523-3014.
[17] Sensors and circuits : sensors, transducers, and
supporting circuits for electronic instrumentation,
measurement, and control / Joseph J. Carr. - Upper Saddle
River : Prentice-Hall, 1993. - xii, 324 s. : il. - ISBN 0-
[18] Design of biomedical devices and systems / Paul H.
King, Richard C. Fries. - New York : Marcel Dekker, c2003.
xv, 585 s., 4 příl. : il. - ISBN 0-8247-0889-X.
[19] Handbook of medical device design / edited by Richard
C. Fries. - New York : Marcel Dekker, c2001. - xviii, 774 s
, 3 příl. : il. - ISBN 0-8247-0399-5.
[20] Design of pulse oximeters / edited by J.G. Webster. -
Bristol ; Philadelphia : Institut of Physics Pub., 1997. -
xvi, 244 s. : il. - ISBN 0-7503-0467-7.
[21] Bioinstrumentation / John G. Webster, editor.. -
Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, c2004.. - xiv, 383 s. : il. -
ISBN 0-471-26327-3.
[22] Design and development of medical electronic
instrumentation : a practical perspective of the design,
construction, and test of medical devices / David Prutchi,
Michael Norris.. - Hoboken : Wiley, c2005.. - xv, 461 s. :
il. - ISBN 0-471-67623-3.
[23] Electromyography : physiology, engineering, and
noninvasive applications / ed. by Roberto Merletti, Philip
Parker.. - Hoboken : Wiley-Interscience [u.a.], c2004.. -
xxii, 494 s. : il. ; 26cm. - ISBN 0471675806.
- Note:
- Further information:
- No time-table has been prepared for this course
- The course is a part of the following study plans:
- Biomedical Informatics - combined study (compulsory elective course)