
Fundamentals of Theoretical Medicine II

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17KBITM2 Z,ZK 3 8P Czech
The course 17KBITM2 can be graded only after the course 17KBITM1 has been successfully completed.
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

Basic information about particular physiological processes, influence of physics strengths on human organism, physical treatment methods, physiological background of effect of particular methods.


Oral examination on the basis of the decision field supervisor.

Caution: intervals between repeated examinations must not be shorter than seven days.

Syllabus of lectures:

Speaker: odb . Dr. . Tatyana Jarošíková , PhD . ( topic 1 to 10 ) and prof . Jozef Rosina (theme 11 to 14 )

First topic -composition of living matter . Substance and structure of molecules. Biopolymers . Sachcridy . lipids

Second the theme of biopolymers. Peptides and proteins .

3rd Topic - nucleic acids . The basic processes of molecular biology.

4th topic - organization of living systems , acellular organisms.

5th topic - Cell Biology . Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell organization

6th theme - Cell cycle , mitosis , meiosis , their regulation . Differentiation and aging. Cell death .

7th topic - Fundamentals of Genetics - phenotype and genotype , hybridization methods .

8th topic - Mendel's laws . Gene linkage and gene mapping. Fundamentals of Cytogenetics .

9th topic - Mutations

10th topic - Immunogenetics . genetics of cancer

11th theme - Optics and Biophysics vision

12th topic - Acoustics

13th topic - Biomechanics including adequate diagnostic and therapeutic methods

14th topic - Ionizing radiation , radionuclides , radiation therapy , mechanisms of action of ionizing radiation on the human body

Syllabus of tutorials:

subject does not exercise

Study Objective:

Explain physics effects on human organism; explain the origin of static and active membrane potential; uses of electrical current in medicine; biological effect of optical radiation.

Master basic terms in the area of physics factors influencing human organism, passive and active electrical attributes of human organism, effects of optical radiation.

Study materials:

[1] J. Šmarda a kolektiv: Biologie pro psychology a pedagogy, Portál Praha 2004.

[2] O. Nečas a kol. Obecná biologie pro lékařské fakulty. H&H Jinočany 2000.

[3] S. Rosypal a kolektiv autorů: Nový přehled biologie. Scientia Praha 2003.

[4] B. Alberts, D. Bray, A. Johnson, J.Lewis, M. Raff, K. Roberts, P. Walter: Základy buněčné biologie, Espero Publishing 1998.

[5] E. Kočárek, M. Pánek, D. Novotná: Klinická cytogenetika I. Úvod do klinické cytogenetiky. Skriptum UK Praha 2006 učební text na internetu http://genetika.wz.cz/bunka.htm onkogenetika

[6] Navrátil, L., Rosina, J. et al.: Medicínská biofyzika, Praha, Grada 2005, ISBN 80 - 247 - 1152 - 4

[7] Rosina, J., Stanek J., Kolářová, H.: Biofyzika pro studenty zdravotnických oborů, Praha, Grada 2006, ISBN 80 - 247 - 1383 - 7

[8] Navrátil, L., Rosina, J.: Biofyzika v medicíně - učebnice pro lékařské fakulty Manus, Praha, 2003

[11] Kolektiv autorů: Principy a praxe radiační ochrany. SÚJB, Praha, 2000

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet2797306.html