
Theory and Practice of Journalistic Writing

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17PBITZT Z,ZK 5 2P+2C Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Biomedical Informatics

Aim of the subject is to learn about theory and practice of journalism. Students will be introduced into problematic of mass communication, types of media and their specifications, basics of journalism and internet as instrument of communication.


Full attendance and active participation in each exercises. Oral examination.

Syllabus of lectures:

1.Communication process, information and their looks in media, information society, tools of mass communication, mass-media

2.Public interest in media, media and society, sociology of media, structure of media, institutions and organizations

3.Types of media, types of media-ownership, medial content, genre and formats, reporting, visual language communication

4.Effects of media activity, power of media, campaigns, types of manipulative techniques.

5.Printed media, broadcasting, television, Internet, history, present

6.Trends - interactivity, blogs, communication specifics in different types of media - advantage and disadvantage of printed media, audiovisual and interactive communication, intelligence agencies

7.Basics of journalism, agency journalism, source of press information, products and services of agencies, archives and documentation databases

8.Intelligence genres, reporting in different types of printed media and rubrics, report and gloss

9.Work with information sources, source protection, Objectivity, equanimity, professionalism and ethics, ethics code, legislative

10.Internet as an instrument of mass communication: new media and changes of journalistic standards, information on the web - search engines, references, hypertext

11.Media and feedback, interactivity, on - line communication, chat, creation of web pages, graphics, role of the domain

12.Changes in the structure of agencies products, services influenced by digitalization and by the internet

13.Current structure of media on the internet - servers, journals, magazines, web version of printed materials and their specifications


Syllabus of tutorials:

1.Information on the web - search engines, references, hypertext

2.Photoediting software - Photoshop, Lightroom.

3.Editing of pictures

4.Media and feedback, interactivity, online communication, chat

5.Journals, magazines, web version of printed materials

6.Creation of web pages I

7.Creation of web pages II

8.Creation of web pages III

9.Creation of web pages IV

10.Project on presentation on the periodical print, advertisement or graphic form

11.Project on presentation on the periodical print, advertisement or graphic form

12.Project evaluation I

13.Project evaluation II


Study Objective:

Aim of the subject is to learn about theory and practice of journalism. Students will be introduced into problematic of mass communication, types of media and their specifications, basics of journalism and internet as instrument of communication.

Study materials:

[1] Burton, G. a Jirák, J,.: Uvod do studia médií. Brno, Barrister&Principal 2003

[2] Docekalová, M.: Tvurcí psaní. Praha, Grada 2006

[3] Hallin, D.C. a Mancini, P.: Systémy médií v postmoderním svete. Praha, Portál 2008

[4] Jirák, J. a Köpplová, B.: Média a spolecnost. Praha, Portál 2007

[5] McLuhan, M.: Clovek, média a elektronická kultura. Brno, Jota 2000

[6] McLuhan, M.: Jak rozumet médiím. Praha, Odeon 1990

[7] McNair, B.: Sociologie zurnalistiky. Praha, Portál 2004

[8] McQuail, D.: Uvod do teorie masové komunikace. Praha, Portál 2002

[9] Russ-Mohl, S. a Bakicová H.: Zurnalistika. Praha, Grada 2005

[10] Sheridan Burns, L.: Zurnalistika. Praha, Portál 2004

[11] Trampota, T.: Zpravodajství. Praha, Portál 2006

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
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