Urban Planning 2
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language |
127UR2B | Z,ZK | 4 | 2P+1C | Czech |
- Garant předmětu:
- Lecturer:
- Tutor:
- Supervisor:
- Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning
- Synopsis:
The course covers several basic thematic areas, especially an introduction to urban composition as a creative synthesis of all components of an urban work, expressed in the composition of spaces and materials, an introduction to rural urbanism, including landscape contexts and some contemporary problems of urbanism, and selected current issues of contemporary urbanism. The individual topics are interpreted in the necessary historical context, insofar as it is relevant to the current state of the subject. The exercises, among other things, test the knowledge from the lectures and apply the urban planning knowledge acquired so far (proposal based on the knowledge from Urbanism 1).
- Requirements:
Lectures are not compulsory. Exercises have compulsory attendance. For credit, which is a condition for access to the exam, it is necessary to meet the basic attendance, to show activity in the semester (joint work in exercises, presentations, walk-out), to meet the conditions specified at the beginning of the semester in Moodle. The exam is written and oral. Bonus points earned during the semester for tests in lectures and for activity in exercises are included in the classification.
- Syllabus of lectures:
1) Introduction, urbanism, urban composition, urban composition at different scales, methodologies and techniques of compositional analysis
2) Urban space, concept of urban space, perception of urban space I.
3) Perception of urban space II (multisensory perception)
4) Means of harmonization of urban space, typology and morphology of urban spaces
5) Introduction to rural urbanism, definition, urban and architectural specifics, development of rural urbanism and architecture
6) New residential construction in the countryside, creation of public space in the countryside
7) Protection of historic cores, urban and architectural values of villages, conservation analysis of the area
8) Contemporary and rural problems, main developmental breaks in the countryside during the 20th century
9) City and landscape, location of the city in the landscape, interior and exterior of the city in different locations
10) The city, functions of the city (security, representation, symbol, communication), search for the ideal city (utopia)
11) Suburbanization (background, history, problems), brownfields
12) Smart cities, adaptation to climate change (green infrastructure)
- Syllabus of tutorials:
The exercise deals with the compositional analysis of a specific urban (urban or rural) space, including its historical and functional context. It emphasizes teamwork, the ability to express and present ideas, and the application of lecture knowledge to a specific urban space. The exercises are enriched by presentations and walks.
1) Demonstration of various urban analyses, typology of public spaces, comparative morphology
2) Development of plan morphology, analysis of surviving historical traces, or results of other possible urban analyses
3) Issues in the creation of a drawing of broader relations, excursion to the roof of building A
4) Selected compositional phenomena in Prague
5) Guided walk around Dejvice, focusing on urban composition
6) Summary, quiz, credit
- Study Objective:
The aim of the study is to understand the formation and perception of urban space, the logic of its composition, various aspects of its multisensory perception and evaluation, including the introduction of various analytical methods. Furthermore, the aim of the course is to present the specifics of rural urbanism with its values, distinctive features and different approaches to planning and development. The course also introduces current topics in urbanism related to climate change and the development of new technologies.
- Study materials:
Basic study materials, including electronic scripts, are available in the CTU Moodle.
BAŠE, Miroslav, Sídla a stavby na venkově. Praha: ČVUT, 2006.
HEXNER, Michal - NOVÁK, Jaroslav, Urbanistická kompozice. Praha: ČVUT, 1996.
KAŠPAROVÁ, Ludmila – ROZEHNALOVÁ, Eva et al., Vesnice. Nové stavby pro venkov. Brno: ÚÚR, 2005.
LYNCH, Kevin, Obraz města. The Image of the City. Praha: BOVA POLYGON, 2004.
SÝ́KORA, Jaroslav, Územní plánování vesnic a krajiny. Urbanismus 2. Praha: ČVUT, 2006.
BENTLY, Ian et al., Responsive environments. Elsevier, 1985.
HNILIČKA, Pavel, Sídelní kaše. Otázky k suburbánní výstavbě kolonií rodinný́ch domů. Brno: ERA, 2005.
KRIER, Léon, Architektura - volba nebo osud. Praha: Academia, 2001.
KUČA, Karel - KUČOVÁ, Věra, Principy památkového urbanismu. Praha: SÚPP, 2000.
KUPKA, Jiří, Krajiny kulturní a historické. Praha: ČVUT,
NORBERG - SCHULZ, Christian, Genius loci. Praha: Odeon, 1994.
PEŠTA, Jan, Plošný průzkum lidové architektury a venkovských sídel. Praha: NPÚ, 2014.
Principy a zásady urbanistické kompozice v příkladech. Praha, Brno: MMR, ÚÚR, 2016.
- Note:
- Further information:
- https://moodle-vyuka.cvut.cz/
- No time-table has been prepared for this course
- The course is a part of the following study plans:
- Architektura a stavitelství (compulsory course)
- Architektura a stavitelství (compulsory course)
- Architektura a stavitelství (compulsory course)