
Communication Instruments of Integrated Emergency Services

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17KBPKP KZ 4 8P+6C Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

The goal is to teach students the basics of broadcasting, design radios and their accessories, and to consider the way their service and the principles of radio operations and regulations interacts.


Requirements for accreditation

Credit will be awarded to students who obtain a weighted sum of marks for each activity result is less than 2.5.

(P × 0.2) + (E × 0.3) + (A × 0.5)

P - Presentation with rozahem 5min.

E - Essay on the range of 1500 words.

A - Activity in hours.

All variables are defined at the beginning of the 4th

Thematic areas for the test match odpřednášeným topics of lectures. The test will be conducted orally.

During the test exam will be used a mirror, please see attachment „Zrcadlo.png“.

Syllabus of lectures:

Basic concepts, principles of communication

Physical principles of communication

Paramtry affecting range, security and clarity of communication

Optimalizae parametrůovlivňujících reach, security and clarity of radio and data communication

Principles of communication

General principles of operation and use of radio resources and data communications

The legislative framework for communication

Safety radio and data communication

Cryptography and cryptographic devices

PoslechFonetický přepis

Syllabus of tutorials:

Basic concepts, principles of communication

Physical principles of communication

Paramtry affecting range, security and clarity of communication

Optimalizae parametrůovlivňujících reach, security and clarity of radio and data communication

Principles of communication

General principles of operation and use of radio resources and data communications

The legislative framework for communication

Safety radio and data communication

Cryptography and cryptographic devices

PoslechFonetický přepis

Study Objective:

To obtain basic knowledge in the subject to the extent necessary for a profession in the planning and crisis management Bc

Study materials:

Pias frequency allocation plan (National Frequency Table) CTO 2004 (http://www.ctu.cz/1/download/plan-prideleni-kmitoctovych-pasem_1114099610.pdf)

Website CTO

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet2490906.html