
Fundamentals of Theory of State and Low

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17KBPZTSP Z,ZK 5 16P Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

This course provides a general introduction to the theory of law, politics and some selected topics of the Czech constitutional law. If the aim of study to prepare experts for middle management of public administration, is the purpose of the course to give students an introduction to the law, to which students could then no longer make the study of specific legislation, which assumes knowledge of this work.


Credit: During the semester students will be presented the week midterm test in which students will answer the key questions from the teacher and show the ability of independent thinking.

examination test, 70% claim success

credit is made in writing parts of 60 minutes to 20 issues in the content of lectures

evaluation of the test: A - 20 questions correctly, B -19, C -18, D -17, E -15-16 questions correctly,

Examination: oral agents in the range odpřednášené on lectures and literature that has been explicitly stated that this will be subject to testing.

Retake the test is at least a week apart.

Syllabus of lectures:

The concept of law and its classification

The system of law, domestic law, international and European

Legal culture, sources of law in different legal cultures and the CR

Concept, properties and application of laws

Subjects of law and legal relations

Application of law by public authorities and completion of the law

Interpretation of law, its methods, legal liability and types of offenses

Law of the Czech Republic and the lawmaking process in the CR

The concept and function of the state, relation to the law, the legality and legitimacy of state power

The rule of law, its attributes and horizontal division of power

Forms of state, political regimes and vertical division of power

Regional breakdown of the CR, government and executive power in the CR

Bodies of legislative, judicial and other constitutional bodies in the CR

The Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

Note - The lectures are divided into two hour blocks. You may not always be odpřednášeny at regular weekly cycles. In this case, students will be the exact time of the lectures in advance informed.

Syllabus of tutorials:


Study Objective:

Students should be able to understand the legal text and the proper way to interpret it. Furthermore, should understand the legal system and hierarchy of legislation in the Czech law, be able to distinguish between different types of legal entities. He should understand the mutual ratio of power in the state, the very purpose of law and to acquire basic knowledge of Czech constitutional law, which should enable it to operate as the system of public administration in the Czech Republic.

Study materials:

[1]Gerloch, A.: Teorie práva, Ales Cenek, Plzen, 2009Pavlícek

[2] V. a kol.: Ustavní právo a státoveda, 1. díl., Linde, Praha, 1998Pavlícek

[3] V. a kol.: Ustavní právo a státoveda, 2. díl., 1. cást, 2. vydání, Linde, Praha, 2008

[4]Doporucená literatura

[5]Knapp, V.:, A., Hrebejk, J.

[6]Zoubek, V.: Ustavní systém Ceské republiky, Linde, Praha, 2002

[7]Zoubek, V.: Právoveda a státoveda, Ales Cenek, Plzen, 2010

[8]Filip, J., Svaton, J., Zimek, J.: Základy státovedy, Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 2006

[9]Höllander, P.: Základy vseobecné státovedy, Ales Cenek, Plzen, 2009

Odborná periodika na webu:

www.hzscr.cz/ Vzdelávání: obsahová nápln vzdelávacích programu stanovenych Koncepcí vzdelávání v oblasti krizového rízení je rozdelena na jednotlivé oblasti vzdelávání, k nimz byly pro studijní úcely zpracovány studijní texty.

V Koncepci vzdelávání v oblasti bezpecnosti je uvedeno 10 modulu: modul A - obecné zásady krizového rízení, modul B - úvod do problematiky krizového rízení, modul C - krizové rízení pri nevojenskych krizovych situacích, modul D - krizové rízení v oblasti obrany státu, modul E - ochrana obyvatelstva, modul F - ochrana ekonomiky, modul G - vnitrní bezpecnost a verejny porádek, modul H - hospodárská opatrení pro krizové stavy, modul I - IZS a pozární ochrana a modul J - krizové rízení v oblasti zdravotnictví.

www.hzscr.cz/casopis-112.aspx, Odborny casopis GR HZS pro krizové rízení a pozární ochranu.

http://www.verejnasprava.info/ Odborny ctrnáctideník Vlády CR pro teorii a praxi verejné správy.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet2485006.html