
General Principles of Dealing with Emergency and Crisis Situations

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17KBPHKS Z,ZK 6 10P+10S Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

The goal is to introduce students to the general question of dealing with emergency and crisis situations, and to instill in them the theoretical foundation for follow-up courses in emergency and crisis planning and/or management. Emphasis will be placed on mastering the correct terminology and understanding of concepts in this field. The course will clarify the concept of the legal force of legal norms and basic legislation in this area.



Preparation of a comprehensive report and presentation to him at a seminar

70% active participation and performance in seminars,

activity at the seminars will be assessed and treated as one of the prerequisites for the granting of credit,

without obtaining the credit and write credit to the KOS is not possible to implement the test.


examination test, 70% claim success rate

exam consists of written part of approximately 60 minutes to 20 issues of content, lectures, tutorials and independent study and entered the oral part of her follow-up only in case of an ambiguous test and evaluation, or if the student wants to get better ratings

Syllabus of lectures:

Introduction, the global security threat

Terminology crises

Risk factors, and phases

Risk of development, working with risk

Development of adverse events.

Speeches on crisis expert government.

General principles of emergency management (MU)

Prevention, repression, sanitation, methods of achieving efficiency in dealing with the MU

Process of contingency planning

Decision-making in crisis situations

The security system of the state, the role of the ACR

Basic and related laws and standards in the field of MU

Final review of issues

Syllabus of tutorials:

Constitutional basis for management, access to a crisis

Global Threat 1

Global Threat 2

Presentations and discussions of terminology concepts

Growth factors of the vulnerability of society

Risks of working with people

Elimination of risks

Prevention, repression, meaning and application

Process of contingency planning

Types of emergency plans, their preparation

Security system of the state, the role of the ACR

Decision-making in dealing with emergencies

Reports from the Constitution and laws of selected areas

Final inspection work

Study Objective:

For the students to acquire basic knowledge of terminology of crisis situations, risk elimination, the process of contingency planning, orientation, and the issues of the national security system.

Study materials:

Povinná literatura:

[1]REKTORIK, J. A KOL. Krizovy management ve verejné správe : teorie a praxe. Praha : Ekopress, 2004. ISBN 80-86119-83-1.

[2] Ing. Jarmil Valásek, Ph.D.,Ing. Frantisek Kovárík a kolektiv, Krizové rízení pri nevojenskych krizovych situacích ,modul C, generální reditelství HZS CR,Praha 2008,

[3]SENOVSKY, M., ADAMEC, V., HANUSKA, Z. Integrovany záchranny systém; Edice Sdruzení pozárního a bezpecnostního inzenyrství Spektrum; Ostrava 2007

[4]HORAK, R., KRC, M., ONDRUS, R., DANIELOVA, L. Pruvodce krizovym rízením pro verejnou správu; LINDE PRAHA: 2004;


[6]PROCHAZKOVA, D., RIHA, J. Krizové rízení; Praha: GR HZS CR, 2004;

[7]KRATOCHVILOVA, D. Ochrana obyvatelstva; Edice SPEKTRUM SPBI, 2005,

[8]Smejkal, V., Rais, K.: Rízení rizik. Grada Publishing, Praha, 2003

[9]Antusák, E., Kopecky, Z.: Uvod do teorie krizového managementu. VSE, Praha, 2003

[10]VANICEK, J. a kol. Právní úprava krizového rízení v CR. Eurolex Bohemia, 2006.

Doporucená literatura:

[1]Ustavní zákon c. 110/1998 Sb. o bezpecnosti Ceské republiky

[2]Zákon c. 239/2000 Sb. o integrovaném záchranném systému a o zmene nekterych zákonu, ve znení pozdejsích predpisu. a navazující zákony, provádecí vyhlásky a narízení vlády

[3]Zákon c. 238/2000 Sb. o Hasicském záchranném sboru Ceské republiky a o zmene nekterych souvisejících zákonu, ve znení pozdejsích predpisu

[4]Zákon c. 59/2006 Sb., o prevenci závaznych havárií zpusobenych vybranymi nebezpecnymi chemickymi látkami a chemickymi prípravky, ve znení pozdejsích predpisu

[5]Vyhláska c. 328/2001 Sb., o nekterych podrobnostech zabezpecení integrovaného záchranného systému, ve znení pozdejsích predpisu

[6]Vyhláska c. 380/2002 Sb. k príprave a provádení úkolu ochrany obyvatelstva

[7]METODICKA POMUCKA MINISTERSTVA VNITRA, c. j.: PO - 1590/IZS - 2003 ze dne 30. cervna 2003,kterou se doporucují zásady pro jednotné rozlisování a vymezení preventivních, záchrannych, likvidacních a obnovovacích (asanacních) prací spojenych s predcházením, resením a odstranením následku mimorádnych událostí,

[8]Zákon c. 240/2000 Sb., o krizovém rízení a o zmene nekterych zákonu

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet2484806.html