
Technology of Construction

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
122TS1A Z,ZK 4 2P+1C Czech
Garant předmětu:
Michal Kovářík, Václav Pospíchal, Rostislav Šulc
Michal Kovářík, Pavel Neumann, Václav Pospíchal, Rostislav Šulc, Tomáš Váchal
Jan Čech, Jan Illetško, Michal Kovářík, Pavel Neumann, Mária Párová, Karel Polák, Václav Pospíchal, Rostislav Šulc, Tomáš Váchal
Department of Construction Technology

The subject deals with basic technologies and technological procedures, as well as supplier documentation and the realization of building structures


Submission of work by the prescribed deadline and to the prescribed extent (see Teams).

Compulsory attendance in class, maximum 2 unexcused absences.

Ongoing consultation of work and checking during the course.

The above requirements are necessary but not sufficient conditions for successful completion of the course.

Passing an examination in the form of a written test and exercises, plus an oral examination if necessary.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Introduction to the issue of construction technology

2. Realization of railway structures I

3. Realization of railway structures II

4. Face concrete

5. Principles of solutions for construction site equipment, cranes, scaffolding

6. Roofing, plumbing, waterproofing

7. Basics of health and safety

8. Finishing work - masonry + partitions

9. Surface treatment - external plastering, rehabilitation

10. Modification of surfaces - underlying layers of floors + tread layers of floors

11. Treatment of surfaces - tiling, paving

12. Engineering - types of PD, bodies, etc.

13. Construction of buildings and investment units

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Concrete works - assignment No. 1. Content of exercises, selection of formwork, assignment of formwork drawing of vertical and horizontal structures

2. Concrete work - explanation of the composition of the work flow (variants for vertical and horizontal sections, variant of subcontracting of ironworkers), consultation on the deployment of formwork

3. Concrete work - consultation on the placement of formwork. Assignment No. 2 - exposed concrete

4. Concrete work - delivery of formwork, consultation of exposed concrete

5. Concrete work - consultation of exposed concrete

6. Concrete work - consultation of exposed concrete. Assignment No. 3 - rough interior and finishing work (tiling, paving, etc.)

7. Finishing work - assignment No. 3 - consultation

8. Finishing work - assignment No. 3 - consultation

9. Finishing work - task no. 3 - consultation and presentation of tasks

10. Finishing work - task no. 3 - consultation and presentation of tasks

11. Finishing work - assignment No. 3 - presentation of tasks

12. Submission of assignments

13. Credits

Study Objective:

Understanding of the principles of construction processes preparing and realization, time behaviour simulation of building construction, resource balance and optimization of construction.

Study materials:

1.Ladra,J., Pospíchal,V.: Technologie staveb - Zemní práce, výstavba sítí, ČVUT Praha 2002

2. Ladra,J. a kol.: Technologie staveb - realizace železobetonové monolitické konstrukce budov, ČVUT Praha 2001

3.Bašková, R.: Realizácia betónových konštrukcií. BELMAS GROUP, 2008

4.Zapletal, M. a kol. Technologie staveb - Dokončovací práce I, STU Bratislava 2002

5.Zapletal, M. a kol. Technologie staveb - Dokončovací práce II, STU Bratislava 2004

6.Jarský, Č. a kol.: Příprava a realizace objektů a staveb, multimed. učebnice, FSv ČVUT Praha 2008

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
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The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
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