
Urban Planning II

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
500UP2 KZ 2 1P+1C English
Garant předmětu:
Department of Spatial Planning

Principles of urban planning as an intentional way of influencing urban change. Overview of the discipline of planning and its role in society. Methodology of plan-making. Opening session. Man and the environment. Planning, the environment and designing. Project will be discussed. Planning methodology I. Urban composition. Mental map. Planning methodology II. Surveys for planning. Land-use. Planning methodology III. Land-use plan, legal limits, plan-making. Deadline: survey drafts. Instruction for Constraints and Potentials Map. Topical lecture – a case of development. Project site analysis. SWOT analysis. Identification of issues for Strategy. Tutoring, discussion of strategies. Mock hearing of strategies. Local planning. Planning and zoning regulations. Final presentation.


Urban Planning I (strongly recommended)

The minimum number of students to open the course is 5. EXCEPTION for self-paying students: if there are less than 5 students, the course will be taught in consultations.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Opening session.

2. Man and the environment. Planning, the environment and designing. Projects will be discussed.

3. Planning methodology I. Urban composition. Mental map.

4. Planning methodology II. Surveys for planning. Land-use.

5. Planning methodology III. Land-use plan, legal limits, plan-making.

6. Deadline: survey drafts. Instruction for Constraints and Potentials Map.

7. Topical lecture - a case of development.

8. Project site analysis.

9. SWOT analysis. Identification of issues for Strategy.

10. Tutoring, discussion of strategies.

11. Mock hearing of strategies.

12. Local planning. Planning and zoning regulations.

13. Tutoring of regulations.

14. Final presentation.

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:

The theme is human existence, time and change. Students learn how to gain and manage information, communicate it in spoken word, writing and graphic communication. Use of rational analysis and creative capability for feasible strategy leading to achieving positive change in a territory.

Study materials:

Schulz , Genius Loci - Towards a phenomenology of architecture;, Lynch, The Image of the City; data from http://gis.cvut.cz; PLANETIZEN - The Planning & Development Network http://www.planetizen.com/sites/; PLANUNG http://www.planum.net/; E-Journal: Environment & Planning http://www.pion.co.uk/ep/index.html

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
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