Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language |
126SPSK | Z | 2 | 2P | Czech |
- Course guarantor:
- Lecturer:
- Tutor:
- Supervisor:
- Department of Construction Management and Economics
- Synopsis:
Territorial planning and construction code law. Public procurement law. Definition of terms. Commercial contractual relationships. Main contract types in construction - contract of the conclusion of a future contract, purchase contract, contract for work, Contents of the contract.
- Requirements:
The subject only has lectures and attendance is checked regularly, with 3 absences allowed. Knowledge is subsequently checked by a written test after the end of the semester. Credit is awarded based on the test result.
- Syllabus of lectures:
1. General overview of the legislation. The process of assessing the effects of planned buildings and facilities on the environment.
2. Basic orientation in the performance of public administration, jurisdiction in matters of spatial planning and building regulations.
3. Act on Spatial Planning and Building Regulations, participants. Objectives of spatial planning.
4. Territorial decisions, types of decisions, territorial approval.
5. Construction management, construction permit, announcement of construction.
6. Use of the building, transfer of the building.
7. Duties and responsibilities of persons during the preparation, implementation and use of buildings, designer, construction manager, construction contractor,
copyright supervision, construction supervision, technical supervision, authorized inspector.
8. Implementing decrees related to the Construction Act.
9. Decree on construction documentation, application forms.
10. Administrative rules, review proceedings, documents for decisions, preliminary measures, requests, decisions.
11. Construction and civil law, company law, contract standards, contract management, contractual relations between construction participants.
12. Agreements, foundation agreement, mandate agreement, license agreement, agreement on the conclusion of a future agreement, essence and meaning, purchase agreement.
13. Act on expropriation, Act on the exercise of the profession of authorized architects and on the exercise of the profession of authorized engineers and technicians active in construction
- Syllabus of tutorials:
The subject is only lectured and exercises are not included in the study plan.
- Study Objective:
The goal is to teach architecture and construction students a basic orientation in construction legislation and administrative procedures. Further in the contractual area.
- Study materials:
Required reading
[1]Blažek, J.: Stavební zákon s komentářem a související předpisy. Anag, 2019.
[2]ÚZ 1443 Nový stavební zákon od 1. 7. 2023, seznam legislativních zkratek. Sagit, 2021.
[3]ÚZ č. 1484 - Veřejné zakázky, Ochrana hospodářské soutěže, Veřejná podpora, Investiční pobídky, Registr smluv. Sagit, 2022.
Study aids
[4]Klee, L. Smluvní vztahy výstavbových projektů. 2. vyd. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2017. ISBN 978-80-7552-818-6
[5]Klee. L. International Construction Contract Law. Wiley-Blackwell, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-119-43038-4.
- Note:
- Further information:
- No time-table has been prepared for this course
- The course is a part of the following study plans:
- Architektura a stavitelství (compulsory course)
- Architektura a stavitelství (compulsory course)