
Modernisation of Public Administration

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
16XMS Z,ZK 5 3+0 Czech
Garant předmětu:
Institute of Management Studies

This course focuses on initial conditions and prerequisites for changes in public administration and management of public administration, on differences and similarities between public and private sectors. It also deals with the potentials to apply management tools to individual areas of Public Administration Management which includes strategic management in public administration, strategic development documents for territorial units on various levels of administration, human resources management, principles of financial management, quality management methods (models CAF, EFQM, BSC, benchmarking); public relations, local citizens´ participation in public administration, the role of a citizen, and with legislative framework of individual areas of administration.

Syllabus of lectures:
Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the transformation and modernization trends that are being carried out in public administration of the Czech Republic and Europe and to make them understand the reasons behind the changes as well as their impact.

Study materials:

Bělohlávek F., Košťál P., Šuleř O.: Management, Rubico, Olomouc 2001, ISBN 80-85839-45-8

Caddy J., Jabes J.: Improving Relations between the Administration and the Public, Proceedings from the Seventh Annual Conference, NISPAcee 1999, ISBN 80-967616-9-2

Čepelka O.: Práce s veřejností v nepodnikatelském sektoru, Nadace Omega, Liberec 1997, ISBN 80-902376-0-6

Dědina J., Cejthamr V.: Management a organizační chování, Grada, Praha 2005, ISBN 80-247-1300-4

Dedouchová M.: Strategie podniku, C. H. Beck, Praha 2001, ISBN 80-7179-603-4

Jones B.: Financial management in tne public sector, McGraw Hill 1996, ISBN 0-07-707888-8

Kaplan Robert S., Bortin David P.: Balanced Scorecard: Strategický systém měření výkonnosti podniku, Management Press, Praha 2000, ISBN 80-7261-032-5

Koubek J.:Řízení lidských zdrojů:základy moderní personalistiky, Management Press, Praha 2001, ISBN 80-7261-033-3

Lukášová R., Nový I. a kol.: Organizační kultura, Grada, Praha 2004, ISBN 80-247-0648-2

OECD: Modernising Government: The way forvard, OECD 2005, ISBN 92-64-01049-1

Ochrana F.: Manažerské metody ve veřejném sektoru, teorie, praxe a metodika uplatnění, Ekopress 2002, ISBN 80-86119-51-3

Peters Guy B., Pierre J.: Handbook of Public Administration, Sage, London 2003, ISBN 0-7619-7224-2

Sedláčková H., Buchta K.: Strategická analýza, 2. přepracované a rozšířené vydání, C. H. Beck, Praha 2006, ISBN 80-7179-367-1

Simon Herbert A., Smithburg Donald W., Thompson Victor A.: Public Administration, Transaction Publisher 1991, ISBN 0-88738-895-7

Wright G., Nemec J.: Management veřejné správy, teorie a praxe ? zkušenosti z transformace veřejné správy ze zemí střední a východní Evropy, Ekopress, Praha 2003, ISBN 80-86119-70-X

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1682906.html