
Nursing in Emergency Care II

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17BZOPP2 KZ 2 2C Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

The goal is demonstration, training and acquisition of nursing procedures specific to paramedic job in the acute prehospital and hospital care. The course builds on the concepts of the course Fundamentals of Nursing and Nursing Procedures in Emergency Care I.


Mandatory and active participation in seminars (one absence is allowed).

In the absence of more serious reasons (must be documented excuse) is a possible alternative solution that determines the subject guarantor.

Practical manage individual tasks during the semester, which evaluates teaching.

To a classified credit is necessary to manage task that the student will draw and perform - Scenario of issues discussed.

The second part to obtain final, successful completion of a written test (a form of Multiple choice). Test evaluation according to the ECTS grading scale. 17BZOPP2 is the end of this course - test will include questions on problems of the subjects taught and 17BZOPP1 17BZOPP2.

The second correction term is an oral form according to the Study and Examination Regulations CTU.

Syllabus of lectures:


Syllabus of tutorials:

First week

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation basic and widespread:

- Indications, diagnosis

- assisted telephone cardiopulmonary resuscitation (TANR)

- cooperation team in CPR, CPR in the PNP, CPR for intensive care units and acute intake

Second week

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation - basic and widespread:

- mastering the use of aids used in KRP PNP and NNP, practice their functions

- CPR training on special models

Third week

Airway management with tools and without tools:

- ensuring indications DC

- ensuring DC without aids,

- with tools used in the PNP and NNP (outside intubation)

- alternative methods of ensuring DC, oxygen and inhalation therapy

4th week

Airway management with tools and unaided: Training airway; model situations

5th week

Handling and affected transport in the PNP, the use of special transport aids

6th week

Victim rescue, handling affected and transport in the PNP and NNP, specific position during transport due to disability diagnosis / disease

7th week

Providing outstanding in the field, monitoring heart rate, the possibility of entry into the bloodstream, the possibility of application of drugs

8th week

Monitor cardiac rhythm and its evaluation, ECG monitoring, defibrillation options.

9th week

Thoracentesis: Thoracentesis species in PNP, ER, ICU and emergency room, training and implementation assistance thoracentesis within the PNP and the ED.

10th week

Intoxication affected addictive substances. Crisis psychosocial interventions for intoxicated persons and persons with suicidal behavior.

11th week

Model situations based on real cases exits EMS - the area traumatology.

12th week

Model situations based on real cases exits EMS - the area of ​​internal medicine.

13th week

Dispatching emergency medical services dispatcher principles of work - to receive and evaluate emergency calls, communications, equipment and management options ambulance crews.

EMS Documentation and practical use.

14th week

The role of the paramedic in mass disasters and unusual situations: classification and types of incidents, special equipment for MU specific documentation at MU.

Study Objective:

The goal is to acquire skills in nursing procedures specific to work paramedic in prehospital and acute hospital care.

Study materials:

Povinná literatura:

[1] BYDŽOVSKÝ, Jan. Akutní stavy v kontextu. 1.vyd. Praha: Triton, 2008. 450 s. ISBN 978-807-2548-156.

[2] BYDŽOVSKÝ, Jan. Diferenciální diagnostika nejčastějších symptomů. 1.vyd. Praha: Triton, 2010. 143s. ISBN 978-807-3873-523.

[3] BYDŽOVSKÝ, Jan. Tabulky pro medicínu prvního kontaktu. Vyd. 1. Praha: Triton, 2010. 239 s. ISBN 978-807-3873-516.

[4 ] ČERNÝ, Vladimír, MATĚJOVIČ, Martin, DOSTÁL, Pavel. Vybrané doporučené postupy v intenzivní medicíně. Praha: Maxdorf, 2009, 253 s. Intenzivní medicína, sv. 6. ISBN 978-807-3451-837.

[5] DOBIÁŠ, Viliam. Prednemocničná urgentná medicína. Martin: Osveta, 2012. 757s. ISBN 978-80-8063-387-5.

[6] POKORNÝ, Jan. Lékařská první pomoc. 2., dopl. a přeprac. vyd. Praha: Galén, c2010, xvii, 474 s. ISBN 978-807-2623-228.

[7] POKORNÝ, Jiří et al. Urgentní medicína. 1. vyd. Praha: Galén, 2004, 547 s. ISBN 80-7262-259-5.

Doporučená literatura:

[1] BRÁZDIL, Milan, FELLNEROVÁ, Ivana. Urgentní medicína: záchrana lidského života, resuscitace. 1. vyd. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého, 2011, 100 s. ISBN 978-80-244-2725-6.

[2] ADAMS, B., HEROLD, C.E. Sestra a akutní stavy od A do Z. 1.vyd. Praha: Grada, 1999. 488 s. ISBN 80-716-9893-8.

[3] DRÁBKOVÁ, Jarmila. Polytrauma v intenzivní medicíně. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2002. ISBN 80-247-0419-6.

[4] BULÍKOVÁ, Táňa. Medicína katastrof. 1.vyd. Martin: Osveta, 2011, 392 s. ISBN 978-80-8063-361-5.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1529806.html