
Radiation Protection

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17BZRO KZ 1 1P Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

To acquaint students with the principles and tasks of radiation protection, without which they inevitably can not do any IT application and use of radionuclides. They are summarized fundamental quantities and units needed to quantify the exposure of individuals. Are discussed in detail issues associated with the determination of contributions of individual components of irradiation (external and internal components) for total effective dose. Particular attention is paid to control the exposure of workers, residents and patients. They include the relevant dose limits and their interpretation in terms of the relevant legislative requirements. They also discussed emergency situations related to nuclear and radiation accidents. At the end of the main documents are presented and recommendations on radiation protection.


Graded credit will be awarded for presentation on a selected topic, which will be acceptable to teachers and successfully executed a final test, the student will be evaluated during the hours of activity throughout the semester.

Graded midterm test will be in writing. To successfully passing a credit test must achieve a minimum of 50% or more of the total number of points.


A Excellent (Excellent) 91 - 100%

B very good (very good) 81 - 90%

C well (good) 71 - 80%

Satisfactorily D (Satisfactory) 61 - 70%

E enough (sufficient) 51 - 50%

F failed (failed) more than 49%

Oral examination only in case of an ambiguous assessment test.

Topics to credit test:

First Ionizing radiation (IT) and its properties

Ionization of a

B. Sources of radiation (artificial, natural)

C. Properties of alpha

D. Properties of beta radiation

E. Properties of gamma radiation

Second Interaction of IT:

a directly ionizing

B. Indirectly ionizing

Third Effects of IT

a Physical

b Physico-chemical

c Chemical

d Biological (stochastic, deterministic)

4th Quantities and units

a Activity

b Exposure

c dose

Equivalent dose d

E. Effective Dose

5th Requirements for radiation protection

A. Atomic Act

B. Ordinance on radiation protection

C. The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS)

D. International guidelines and recommendations

6th Ensuring adequate protection against IT

a normal situation

b Breakdowns and accidents

Syllabus of lectures:

First Objectives and role of radiation protection. Properties of IT resources and IT.

Second IT Interaction with matter in terms of transmission and absorption of energy.

Third Definitions and interpretation IT resource parameters and variables used in dosimetry and radiation protection.

4th Characterization and quantification of external and internal exposure.

5th Principles of measurement and monitoring of basic quantities in radiation protection.

6th Ensuring adequate protection of workers, patients and the general public. Dose limits and reference levels. Relevant regulations and international recommendations for radiation protection.

7th Control of radiation in normal and abnormal (emergency) situations. Mitigate the effects of radiation and nuclear accidents.

8th Presentation of students in the selected topic.

9th Presentation of students in the selected topic.

10th Credit test.

Syllabus of tutorials:


Study Objective:

The aim of this course is to acquaint students with the detailed mechanisms of action of ionizing radiation on living organisms at all levels (subcellular, cellular, tissue and whole body) with respect to the source of radiation dose, frequency and extent of exposure, degree of development of the irradiated organism and its genotype including the possibility of reparation.

In another part of the course will be evaluated the effect radiomodificators and simultaneous action of other physical and chemical raw material. Another topic will be the effects of radiation on the embryo and fetus, hereditary effects and late effects (especially carcinogenesis).

Part of the lectures is also given to the fundamentals of radiation protection

Study materials:

[1] Sabol, J., Vlček, P.: Radiační ochrana v radioterapii, ČVUT, Praha, 2011

[2] Kolektiv autorů (Editor: V. Klener): Principy a praxe radiační ochrany, SÚJB, Praha, 2000

[3] Ullmann, V.: Jaderná a radiační fyzika, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě, Ostrava, 2009

[4] Sabol, J.: Základy dozimetrie, ČVUT, Praha, 1992

[5] Martin, J. E. And Lee, C.: Principles of Radiological Health and Safety, Wiley - Intersience, New Jersey, 2003

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1528606.html