
Fundamental Professional Terminology

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
17BZZOT KZ 2 2C Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

Latin alphabet, pronunciation, accent - the Greek alphabet. Latin, English, German and Russian vocabulary used by nursing staff. Common terms for body parts, medical terms and descriptive terms for diseases and injuries. Dates for basic medical supplies and equipment. General terms relating to first aid. Important information about the patient's health, medical dispatch. Dates indicate: fractures, wounds and injuries. Names for different types of diagnoses and prognoses. Names for different types of therapies.

Other areas of the lectures will be specified according to the current state of knowledge by the general scheme:


participation in exercises: 90%, active participation.

Syllabus of lectures:


Syllabus of tutorials:

Introduction to medical terminology. The origin and significance of Latin for general education. Analogies and differences between Latin and Czech. Sentence hierarchy members. Spelling and pronunciation of speech sounds.

Outline of grammar problems. Gender-number-escalation-numbers-prefix-suffix. The Fall.

Declination declinations + overview. Anatomical structure of the term

I. declination - nouns, adjectives, ordinal numbers, prepositions, and Latin prefixes, prepositions with accusative / ablative

II. declination - nouns, adjectives, ordinal numerals, adjectives substantivování. Latin

prepositions and prefixes vocabulary, repetition, continuous test

III. declination - různoslabičná nouns, terminology procedures and performance, nomenclature of tumors, inflammations

III. declination - stejnoslabičná nouns, adjectives. Terminology of unspecified

expression of disease and pain. Examples of diagnoses, comparison of adjectives - regular, irregular

IV. declination, declination V. vocabulary, repetition, continuous test. Systems of the human body. 8th The appearance of position, shape, texture, color. Habitus.

Terminology and clinical pathological

Repetition + continuous test

Consultation week

Study Objective:

To acquaint students with the Latin alphabet, pronunciation and accent. A significant part is devoted to Latin, English, German and Russian vocabulary used by nursing staff.

In other parts of the objects are discussed common names for body parts, medical terms and descriptive terms for diseases and injuries. Dates for basic medical supplies and equipment. General terms relating to first aid. Important information about the patient's health, medical dispatch. Dates indicate: fractures, wounds and injuries. Names for different types of diagnoses and prognoses. Names for different types of therapies.

Study materials:

[1] Kábrt, J., Chlumská, E: Lékařská terminologie. Praha: Informatorium 2001.

[2] Kábrt, J., Chlumská, E.: Úvod do lékařské terminologie. 4. Vyd. Praha: Karolinum. 2000.

[3] Veselá, A.: Lékařská terminologie pro fyzioterapeuty. Praha: Karolinum. 2005.

[4] Bydžovský, J.: Latina pro zdravotníky. Třebíč. 2005

[5] Ralbovská, R.: 10 power pointových prezentací, které obsahují poměrnou část učiva k předmětu lékařská terminologie.

[6] Kábrt, J., Kábrt jr., J.: Lexicon medicum. 2 dopl. A přeprac. Vyd. Praha: Galén. 2004.

[7] Svobodová D.: Terminologiae medicae vestibulum. 2. Úvod do řecko-latinské lékařské terminologie pro studenty bakalářských oborů 1. LF UK. UK Karolinum Praha vyd. Praha: Karolinum. 2005.

[8] Pacovský, V.: Medicínská terminologie. Praha. Karolinum 2004.

[9] Kozlíková, D., Plašilová, D. Základy latinské lékařské terminologie pro bakalářský program na lékařské fakultě. UK Karolinum Praha. 2005. ISBN

[10] Strakošová, S.: Jazyk latinský (Skriptum pro studium bakalářské a magisterské se zdravotnickým zaměřením), Ostravská univerzita, Ostrava 2000.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1526806.html