
Ethics in Healthcare

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17BZEZ KZ 2 2P Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

Subject introduces students to fundamental ethical issues in applied ethics due to future professional orientation. It develops students' ability to think in ethical contexts, discuss, argue and defend their views in ethical dilemma situations, which brings medical environment.


graded credit:

Elaboration of essay on a selected topic in the field of medical ethics.

Seminar work must meet the formal structure, ie. 5-25 pages of written text. Text can be added graphics, image attachments, spreadsheets or other material that was used when writing.

The work should be structured in the introduction, theoretical and practical part, conclusion.

Within the text, a student essay shows that it can process within a defined range of technically specified topic using literature.

Most are valued at their own invention and the benefits and the ability to critically reflect and compare the compile literature, practical part may be in the form of essays.

Work must include a list of references and resources, quotes, according to standards (ISO 690 and ISO 690-2)

Topics to be discussed with the students because of their interest in the issue.

The proposal is located on the topics of study materials.

The student selects a topic before 8 week semester, he writes the selected topic to form by the teacher.

Students send the seminar work in electronic form in doc format. 14 days before the planned date of graded credit to the e-mail address of the teacher and himself credit fetches a copy of the work.

Students in graded assessments orally demonstrates knowledge and ability to discuss the issue, defends his views, and argues in defense of the essay.

Syllabus of lectures:

First Ethics as a philosophical discipline, basic terminology of ethics.

Second Applied Ethics: medical ethics, medical ethics.

Third The relationship of legal and ethical norms, the emergence and development of existing codes of ethics.

4th Code of Ethics paramedic.

5th Patients' rights and their role in the humanization of medicine. Patients' rights and their observance in prehospital emergency care and emergency medicine.

6th The issue of informed consent. Problems in the application of informed consent in practice. Informed consent and its use in pre-hospital emergency care and emergency medicine.

7th Privacy, confidentiality and duty to break confidentiality. Retention of conscience.

8th The problem of security and dignity of clients with regard to the procedures ZZ.

9th Ethical and legal standards regulating research in medicine.

10th Ethical issues of dying and death.

11th Ethical problems of organ transplantation.

12th Ethical aspects of assisted reproduction, cloning, genetic testing.

13th Resource allocation, the problem prices and costs in health care.

14th The introduction of new technologies in medicine, ethics of advertising.

Syllabus of tutorials:


Study Objective:

The aim of this course is to acquaint students with problems of deontological and utilitarian ethics, ethics, accountability and the virtues of the problem.

Study materials:

[1] Haškovcová, H: Lékařská etika, Praha, Galén 2002.

[2] Munzarová, M.: Zdravotnická etika od A do Z. Praha, Grada 2005. ISBN: 80-247-1024-2

[4] Ptáček, R.; Bartůněk, P. a kol: Etika a komunikace v medicine. Praha, Grada, 2011

[5] Šimek, J., Špalek, V.: Filozofické základy lékařské etiky. Praha, Grada 2003.

Doporučená literatura

[1] Munzarová, M.: Lékařský výzkum a etika. Praha, Grada, 2011, ISBN: 80-247-0924-4

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1526706.html