
Building Services Systems 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
125TBA1 Z,ZK 4 2P+2C Czech
Garant předmětu:
Karel Kabele
Stanislav Frolík, Karel Kabele
Lucie Dobiášová, Pavla Dvořáková, Stanislav Frolík, Karel Kabele, Michala Lysczas, Alžběta Svobodová, Michaela Žďárská
Department of Indoor Enviromental and Building Services Engineering

Basic course in building services systems - water supply, drainage, gas supply and heating systems.


Conditions for credit

Active participation in the exercise.

A maximum of 2 unexcused absences are tolerated. In the case of multiple absences, excused for example by a quarantine certificate, medical incapacity or serious family reasons, it is necessary to inform the teacher immediately and arrange an individual teaching plan.

Continuous submission of the consulted assignments in the required scope and modification within the set deadlines. Unless otherwise specified by the instructor, assignments 1 to 5 must be submitted no later than 2 weeks after the last exercise for the assignment. Assignment 6 must be submitted to the instructor for approval no later than the last day of class of the semester.

The examination has a written and an oral part.

Before the written portion of the exam begins, the student must have credit recorded in KOS.

The written portion of the exam is in the form of an online test (Health Technology and Heating) with 10 multiple choice questions. The minimum number of correct answers is 6 out of 10. Failure to meet this requirement will result in the student failing the exam and having to retake the entire exam. If the required number of marks is achieved, an oral examination will be held in the form of supplementary questions. The teacher will then make a classification based on the results of the written and oral parts and the examination will be terminated.

The duration of the written examination is 30 minutes.

The final classification is made in the oral part of the examination on the basis of the written part and the supplementary questions, taking into account the evaluation of the exercises. If the student fails to appear for the oral part of the examination, the result of the examination is 'fail' and the student must retake the entire examination

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Typology, Principle Of Building Drainage,

Sewage,Classification, Quality Criterion, Parts Of Building

Drainage, Terminology, Plumbing Fixtures, Traps, Building Drainage


2. Building Drainage Piping Requirements On Pipe And Fittings,

Piping Materials Joints In Drainage Systems, Drainage System

Components, Pipe Size, Fittings,Applied Hydraulics, Flow Of Water,

Degree Of Fullness Of Flow, Fixture Branch Drain, Design Of

Fixture Branch, Materials, Sizing, Examples

3. Draining Of The Underground Fixtures, Zoning Of The Building,

Repumping Of The Sewage, Backwater Protection,Building Sewer,

Cesspool,Public Sewer Systems, Sewage Systems, Basic Principles Of

Sewage Disposal

4. Principle Of The Water Supply, Water Sources, Water, Water

Quality And Methods Of Water Treatment, Classification Of The

Water, Methods Of Water Treatment, Water Demand, Design Flow,

Water Supply Systems In Buildings , Basic Principle Of Water

Supply In The Buildings

5. Water Supply In high-rise Buildings, Water Pressure In

Domestic Water Distribution Systems, Protecting Water Supply

Systems, Fire Sprinkler And Standpipe Systems

6. Gas Utilisation Equipment, Classification, Space Requirements,

Chimneys For Gas Equipment, Natural Flow, Boosted Flow, Common

Chimney , Draught Diverter,Gas Meters, Normal Volume Of Gas,

7. Gas supply systems domestic and industrial, Piping Components

, Materials For Gas Piping In Buildings, Gas Pressure Regulators,

Shutoff Valves, Gas Demand - Maximum, Reduced, , Sizing Of The

Gas Supply

8. Indoor environment.Applied thermomechanics,Heat loss and

energy performance calculations????

9. Space heating design principles, Heat Emitters, Underfloor

heating,Ceiling Heating, Radiant Heating

10. Water Heating Systems, Two-pipe, One-pipe Systems, Air-heating


11. Heat Sources. Boiler plants - Gas. Solid, Liquid Fuel,Heat

Exchangers, District Heating, Electric Heating

12. Renewable sources, Biomass, Solar Enregy, Combined Heat and

Power Plants

13. Hot water generation, Accumulation, Instantaneous Heaters

14. Heating System Control, Building Energy Management Systems

Syllabus of tutorials:

1 Introduction, Building drainage

2 Building drainage

3 Building drainage

4 Water supply

5 Water supply

6 Gas supply

7 Heating, Heat losses, Heat Emitters

8 Heating system geometry design

9 Heating system sizing

10 Desing on hot water tank

11 Design of boiler plant

12 Consultations

13 Consultations and credit

Study Objective:

Student learn basics of sewer, water and gas supply and heating systems. Acquire basement of system design also.

Study materials:

Kabele a kol.: Energetické a ekologické systémy budov 1 ČVUT 2005, Jelínek,Kabele : Technická zařízení budov II - Vytápění přednášky ČVUT 1999, Jelínek a kol. TZB - podklady pro projekty ČVUT 1998, Valášek: Zdravotně technické instalace Jaga 2001

Further information:
Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1505506.html