
Strategic Management

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
32MC-P-STRR-01 Z,ZK 6 2P+2C Czech
It is not possible to register for the course 32MC-P-STRR-01 if the student is concurrently registered for or has already completed the course G16C3101 (mutually exclusive courses).
During a review of study plans, the course G16C3101 can be substituted for the course 32MC-P-STRR-01.
Course guarantor:
Institute of Management Studies

The subject is focused on strategic planning and management, including the necessary contexts and links, as one of the main tools for long-term planning and direction of the organization as a whole or part of it (enterprise or institution of any type or even municipality, region or state).

As part of teaching the subject, relevant case studies from practice will be used. In the center of attention are questions of competitiveness, competitive advantages, changes in the configuration of business processes and their influence on the process of integration of the Czech economy and Czech companies into global trade.


The subject is completed with credit and an exam.

Credit is awarded by the instructor for the development of continuous individual and group tasks during the semester.

Credit assessment

The minimum to meet the credit requirements is 25 points out of a total of 50 points.


Written exam - the test consists of open and closed questions. The test is evaluated for 50 points. The minimum for passing the test is 25 points.

Evaluation in the subject

The overall assessment in the subject consists of 50 b from the evaluation of the continuous work in exercises (credit) and 50 b from the evaluation of the final test.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Introduction to the subject. Strategic management and its content. Changes in the socio-economic environment and gaining competitive advantages. The new economy, the digital economy and the sharing economy.

2. Theory and approaches to strategic management. Theory of strategic management, definition of individual currents: classical (rational) school, evolutionary current, behavioral (process) approach, systemic (relativistic) current.

3. Strategic analysis. Industry and value chain analysis, strategic positioning and potential for long-term competitive advantage (M. Porter's concept).

4. Strategy formulation. Strategic mission, vision, values. Types of growth strategies: generic strategies based on the type of competitive advantage, strategies based on the scope and structure of business areas. Strategic partnerships.

5. International business strategies: Porter's model of internationalization of generic strategies, Perlmutter's EPRG model, Matrix of international strategies according to Prahalad and Doze.

6. Strategy and sustainable business. Motivation of business entities to socially responsible and sustainable business. Concept of creation of shared value (shared value) according to Porter and Kramer. Influence on the innovation process.

7. Strategy implementation. Creation of structures and systems to support strategy implementation. Motivating colleagues to act in accordance with the strategy. Change management.

8. Complex case study reorganization of a multinational corporation.

9. Performance measurement. Strategic balanced scorecard, strategy evaluation. When to change the strategy.

10. International competitiveness of businesses and claims. Types of international competitive advantage of a national economy. M. Porter's Diamond.

11. International strategy and business organization, effects for the Czech economy. International value chain configurations, satellite organizations, finalist and subcontractor positions. Effects of outsourcing and offshoring.

12. Specificity of strategic planning in the public sector. Development of strategic planning in the public sector. Methods and approaches.

13. Structure of strategy implementation in the public sector. Analysis of the internal environment of the municipality and region. Vision and strategic goals in the public sector. Action plans and projects. Indicators of sustainable development.

14. Proper communication and public participation. Methods and techniques of public involvement. Ladder of participation. Facilitation and other ways of communicating with the public.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Selection of organization for seminar work, division of students into groups. Continuity of strategic management with other subjects and business activities.

2. External strategic analysis I (brainstorming and brainwriting, 6-3-5 method, scenario planning, Delphi method)

3. External strategic analysis II (PESTLE analysis, Porter model, Delta model)

4. Internal strategic analysis I (Ishikhaw diagram, Benchmarking, Analysis of key competences, Analysis of competitive groups)

5. Internal strategic analysis II (BCG matrix, GE matrix, ABC analysis, Value chain analysis), SWOT analysis

6. Evaluation of the formulation of the mission, vision and values of the selected organization. Assessment of available strategies and proposals for their change.

7.Case studies on Porter's model of internationalization of generic strategies, Perlmutter's EPRG model, and Matrix of international strategies according to Prahalad and Doze.

8. Case study on the concept of creating shared value (shared value) according to Porter and Kramer.

9. Complex case study reorganization of a multinational corporation.

10. Strategic Balanced Scorecard and its application in a selected organization. Correct setting of goals and measurable criteria.

11. Case study on international strategies and organization of enterprises and its influence on the creation of added value.

12. Specificity of strategic planning in the public sector. Development of strategic planning in the public sector. Methods and approaches.

13. Structure of strategy implementation in the public sector. Analysis of the internal environment of the municipality and region. Vision and strategic goals in the public sector. Action plans and projects. Indicators of sustainable development.

14. Proper communication and public participation. Methods and techniques of public involvement. Ladder of participation. Facilitation and other ways of communicating with the public.

Study Objective:

The student will acquire a basic overview of the methods and techniques of strategic planning and management, knowledge for processing analyzes and the design part of strategic documents, including action plans, projects and their implementation. In terms of competences, thinking in context, analytical thinking, teamwork in the creation of case studies, critical thinking in their defense, communication and presentation skills will be deepened.

Study materials:

FOTR, Jiří et al. Tvorba strategie a strategické plánování: teorie a praxe. 2., aktualizované a doplněné vydání. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2020. 414 s. ISBN 978-80-271-2499-1.VERBEKE, A. International business strategy [online]. Third edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. ISBN 9781108768726.

ZADRAŽILOVÁ, D. Mezinárodní management [online]. 1. vyd. v elektronické podobě. Praha : Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2020. 160 s. eISBN 978-80-245-2368-2. Dostupné z: https://www.ekopress.cz/titdetail.php?tid=31056.

ZADRAŽILOVÁ, D. Mezinárodní management. 3. vyd. Praha : Nakladatelství Oeconomica, 2017. 160 s. ISBN 978-80-245-2219-7.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1246743921405.html