Fundamentals of Law
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language |
2381001 | Z,ZK | 2 | 1P+1C | Czech |
- Garant předmětu:
- Lecturer:
- Tutor:
- Supervisor:
- Department of Management and Economics
- Synopsis:
Basic orientation in legal system is a necessary part of professional equipment of each expert with university degree. The aim of this course is to provide a view into the Czech Legal Order, particular sources of law and system of law (branch of law), using tutorials, lectures, specialised literature and significant legal regulations. It is necessary for students to know our legal institutions, that will be regularly in touch with, especially during their professional career and to learn how to work with the collection of laws. At the same time the course leads students to know some practical habits and processes while putting the law on, especially in domain of contracts and other important legal relationships and to make them ready to prepare professional presentations and to understand basic structures between law and engineering.
- Requirements:
Exam topies:
1. Legal regulations in the Czech Republic (species issue, the legal force, the interaction)
2. System of Czech law (basic division of rights, legal sectors)
3. Collection of Laws (published instruments, validity and effectiveness of legislation)
4. European Union law (general characteristics, forms, sources, binding)
5. Forms of state Force under the Constitution of the Czech Republic and its performance (characteristics, public authorities and their division)
6. Legal identity (content, acquisition and loss)
7. The legal capacity of legal persons (content, acquisition and loss)
8. Eligibility of individuals to legal capacity (content acquisition, reduction, loss)
9. Methods infringements of legal identities and corporate bodies (corporate agents and the extent of their brokerage authorization)
10. Legal facts (characteristics, meaning, structure)
11. Legal acts (characteristic of a statutory requirement)
12. Form of legal acts (the methods of determining the form and its elements)
13. Annulment of legal acts (legal reasons and the consequences of invalidity)
14. Entering into contracts under the Civil Code (legal stages and elements of the contractual process)
15. The validity and effectiveness of the contract (the legal meaning and acquisition)
16. Avoidance of contract (legal reasons and consequences)
17. Legal liability (the principle of responsibility, its types and functions)
18. Legislation liability for damages in civil law (under the Civil Code and special laws)
19. Legislation liability in commercial law (general and specific, terms of liability)
20. Legislation liability in employment law (employee and employer responsibility, its species)
21. Legislation liability for defects in the civil law (presumption of liability, responsibility for the purchase and sale agreement in the trade)
22. Liability for damage caused by a defect in the product (presumtion of fact, liberation reasons range)
23. General product safety (presumtion, the legal implications)
24. Industrial property rights (resolution, specific species)
25. Importance of law to the technician (tentative list of specific areas, indicating importance)
1. Legislation
There is needed to study only some Of these documents according to relation to the above test circuit:
-Constitution of the Czech Republic (ú.z. č.1/1993 Sb., subsequently amended).
-Civil Code (Act No. 40/1964 Coll., subsequently amended).
-Commercial Code (Act No. 513/1991 Coll., subsequently amended).
-Labor Code (Act No. 262/2006 Coll., subsequently amended).
-Act No. 59/1998 Coll. On liability for damage caused by defective products, subsequently amended.
-Act č.102/2001 Coll. On general product safety and amending certain Acts (Act on general product safety), subsequently amended
2. Bacic:
Klimes, F.: Základy práva, skriptum, Vydavatelství ČVUT v Praze, 2005
3. Notes of the lectures of the course Fundamentals of Law at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU in Prague
4. Supplemental:
-Švestka,J., Dvořák,j. a kol.: Občanské právo hmotné 1, ASPI Wolters Kluwer, 2009, ISBN 978-80-7353-468-0
-Švestka,J,. Dvořák,J. a kol.: Občanské právo hmotné 2, ASPI Wolters Kluwer, 2009, ISBN 978-80-7353-473-4
- Syllabus of lectures:
1. Sources of Czech law. Collection of Laws and work with it
2. Forms of state Force under the Constitution
3. Legal Relations
4. Legal status of individuals
5. Legal capacity of corporate body
6. Legal facts
7. Legal acts
8. Entering into an agreement
9. The concept of legal liability
10. Liability for Damage
11. Liability for defects
12. Liability for delay
13. Fundamentals of Intellectual Property
- Syllabus of tutorials:
-Sources of Czech law (the concept, classification)
-System of Czech legal system (private, public, legal sector)
-Legal regulations in the Czech Republic (types, legal force, interrelation)
-Collection of Laws and Collection of international treaties (content, issuance, availability)
-The validity and effectiveness of legislation (the term comes into force and efficiency regulations published in Coll.)
-Legal territorial authorities (the issuance, validity, effectiveness)
-Law of the European Union (concept, structure, sources)
-The concept, elements and types of legal relationships
-Legal status of individuals (active and passive status, content acquisition)
-The legal capacity of legal persons (concept acquisition)
-The concept and types of corporate bodies (according to Civil Code)
-Acting of corporate bodies
-Protection of person (legal rules, assumptions and means of protection)
-Legal status of Technical University in Prague (acording to law and the Status)
-The concept, classification and characterization of the legal facts
-Concept and breakdowns of transactions
-Particulars of transactions (by Civil. Code)
-The form of operations (in determining the form and its elements)
-Nullity of acts (the reasons for and consequences of invalidity)
-Representation and its forms (in substantive legal relationships)
-Prescription and limitation of rights (the term, differences, implications)
-The legal regulation of contracts in Czech law
-Conclusion of contracts under the Civil Code (draft, acceptance and their elements)
-The validity and effectiveness of the contract (term time acquisition)
-Nullity the contract (the reasons and consequences of invalidity)
-Withdrawal from the contract (conditions, form, the consequences of withdrawal)
-Unnamed contract (term, legislation, relevance, importance)
-Principle and function of legal liability
-Subjective and objective responsibility (nature, differences)
-General rules of liability for damages under the Civil Code (of assumptions, scope and method of compensation)
-Special rules of liability for damages under the Civil Code (survey, compared with the general responsibilities)
-Responsibility universities for damage caused by students (legislation, law, nature)
-General rules of liability for damage under the Commercial Code (of assumptions, scope and method of compensation)
-Liability for damage caused by a defect in the product (definitions, assumptions origin, nature, reasons for liberation, the extent of compensation)
-Liability for defects in the Civil Code (legislation, conditions of, the extent of the rights of the liability for defects)
-Responsibility for unjust enrichment (nature and legal implications)
-General Product Safety (definitions, assumptions and consequences of responsibility)
-Contractual penalties (regulation in terms of the obligation to pay the fine, moderation to court)
- Study Objective:
Objective: To acquire basic legal conciousness necessary to perform future profession
- Study materials:
Klimeš,F.: Základy práva, skripta, vydavatelství ČVUT, Praha 2005 ISBN 80-01-03273-6
Gerloch,A.: Teorie práva, 4.upravené vydání, Vydavatelství a nakladatelství Aleš Čeněk,s.r.o, Plzeň 2007 ISBN 978-80-7380-023-9
Švestka,J., Dvořák,J. a kol.: Občanské právo hmotné 1, ASPI Wolters Kluwer, 2009, ISBN 978-80-7353-468-0
Švestka,J,. Dvořák,J. a kol.: Občanské právo hmotné 2, ASPI Wolters Kluwer, 2009, ISBN 978-80-7353-473-4
- Note:
- Further information:
- No time-table has been prepared for this course
- The course is a part of the following study plans: