Historia a kultura Česka
Kód | Zakončení | Kredity | Rozsah | Jazyk výuky |
CCH2023 | Z,ZK | 7 | 2P+2C | anglicky |
- Garant předmětu:
- Přednášející:
- Cvičící:
- Předmět zajišťuje:
- institut jazykových studií
- Anotace:
Learning outcomes and competences:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
Students will learn to make themselves understood and participate at the linguistic level in everyday situations, such as using the public transportation, ordering food and shopping.
Given the differences between the American and Czech cultural heritage and evolution, the student will learn to appreciate a different culture and find the diverse aspects of it enriching.
Students will understand the rich history of the Czech Republic and our position in Central Europe and Europe as a whole.
Students will be capable of moving around the city in a competant and professional manner.
- Požadavky:
¼ in class attendance and mandatory event attendance
¼ travel sheets MUST be completed each travel week and weekend
¼ exam
¼ travel journal
- Osnova přednášek:
Course content:
Week 1: February 27
Prague castle visit
Week 2: March 6
Powerpoint 1- Welcome to the Czech Republic
Powerpoint 2 Language basics. Greetings, thank you, politeness, alphabet, introduction to phonetics. Dobrý den, prosím, prosím?, pardon, s dovolením
Czech books: choose a topic and complete simple research activity
Travel plans/suggestions
Traveling: Trams, Where and how to buy a train ticket, ČD info
Week 3: Break
Week 4: March 20
Powerpoint 5 Where to Go in Prague, Bohemian and Moravian Cuisine
Shops, restaurants and cafés recommendations (including vegetarian, Italian, French, Mexican, etc.
How to order, orientation in a Czech menu, problems in a restaurant
Tipping and Prices
Review phonetics, greetings, pronunciation
Language: Tady, tam, Pošta, metro, banka, náměstí, ulice
reading: further reading from The Czechs in a Nutshell: A User's Manual for Foreigners
Activity: based on what youve learned from this lecture, write up a recommendation for Prague
Week 5: March 27
Powerpoint 3- history of Czechoslovakia, Bohemia
In class readings and discussion from The Czechs in a Nutshell: A User's Manual for Foreigners
Jan Hus
Language- gender of nouns, ordering, food vocab slides 7-22
Ja si dam, dam si
numbers 1-100
Elementary plural, Elementary acusativ
Week 6: April 3
Powerpoint 4 Czechoslovakia, communism, Velvet Revolution, Charter 77, Vaclav Havel
Velvet Divorce
Readings and class discussion from The Czechs in a Nutshell: A User's Manual for Foreigners,
Charter 77
Jan Palach
Vaclav Havel
Velvet Revolution
Mini research project about one aspect of communism. 30 ish min research and presentation in groups
Language: Basic adjectives, colours, Verb to be : jsem
Week 7: April 10
History of Anthropoid mission
Anthropoid film
Week 8: Break
Week 9: April 24
Anthropoid church visit and Vyšehrad visit
Week 10: May 1 no class, state holiday
Week 11: May 8 no class, state holiday
Week 12 : May 15 final exam
Mandatory Events:
February 23: Communist museum
February 27: trip to Prague Castle
March 28-30: Prague weekend
March 28: RFE visit - bring your PASSPORTS - Holmes
March 29: All day trip to Terezin concentration camp (10.30), Krusovice brewery 15.00)
March 30: trip to Karlsteijn castle. Meet at main train station at 10.00 am
If any student misses a MANDATORY EVENT: Radio Free Europe, Terezin Concentration Camp, Karlstejn Castle or Prague Castle, 15% will be deducted from your final grade. Mandatory events are 1/4 of grade
- Osnova cvičení:
- Cíle studia:
- Studijní materiály:
Terje B. Englund, The Czechs in a Nutshell: A User's Manual for Foreigners, Praha, 2004.
Hugh Agnew, The Czechs and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown. This book is available in a printed version and you can also consult it on-line: http://www.hoover.org/publications/books/2994881.html
Jaroslav Pánek, Oldřich Tůma, A History of the Czech Lands, Prague, 2009.
General Historical Overview of Prague, https://sites.google.com/a/aauni.edu/art143-prusova-13-12-2013/home/materials
Timothy Garton Ash, Does Central Europe Exist?, http://www.visegradgroup.eu/the-visegrad-book/ash-timothy-garton-does
Václav Havel, The Power of Powerless, 1978. https://www.nonviolent-conflict.org/wp-content/uploads/1979/01/the-power-of-the-powerless.pdf
Peter A. Toma, Why Was the First Democracy in East-Central Europe Established in Czechoslovakia? Lessons for Today, Kosmas, Vol.22, N°1, Fall 2008, p.120-131.
- Poznámka:
- Další informace:
- Pro tento předmět se rozvrh nepřipravuje
- Předmět je součástí následujících studijních plánů: