
Equipment and Technologies of Plastics and Silicates Processing

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E181706 Z,ZK 4 2P+1C anglicky
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ústav procesní a zpracovatelské techniky

Transport, mixing and heat transfer for viscous liquids and pastes. Processing operations and equipment. Design, principles of operation and calculation of key equipment for plastics and silicates processing.

Osnova přednášek:

Introduction. General overview of technologies of plastics and silicates processing.

Flow and thermo-physical properties of plastics and silicates at different stages of their processing.

Injection molding introduction, machines, forms, injection molding of thermoplastics, thermosets and elastomers.

Blow molding introduction, foil production, extrusion and injection blow molding, nozzles and molds.

Fiber spinning introduction, production technology of industrial fibers, electro-spinning, jets, melt-spinning, dry and wet spinning.

Production of foam materials introduction, polystyrene, polyolefin, polyurethane and silicone foams.

Elastomer processing introduction, preparation of raw material and mixing, machines and equipment for elastomer processing.

Flow of power-law liquids in slit. Pumping and pumps for viscous liquids and pastes.

Screw pump velocity profile, differential pumping and power characteristic.

Screw pump integral isothermal and adiabatic pumping characteristic.

Differential and integral isothermal and adiabatic characteristic of extrusion die. Operating point.

Screw conveyor. Mixing distribution functions for mixers. Mixing devices.

Convective heat transfer in power-law liquids. Melting.

Osnova cvičení:
Cíle studia:
Studijní materiály:

RAO, Natti S. a Nick R. SCHOTT. Understanding plastics engineering calculations. Cincinnati, Ohio: Hanser Publications, 2012.

CHANDA, Manas a Salil K. ROY. Plastics technology handbook. 4th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, 2007. Plastics engineering (CRC Press), 72.

OSSWALD, Tim A. International plastics handbook: the resource for plastics engineers. [1st ed.]. Cincinnati: Hanser, 2006.

TADMOR Z., GOGOS C.: Principles of polymer processing. J.Wiley 2006.

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Platnost dat k 13. 3. 2025
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